// convert TTF font to TCPDF format and store it on the fonts folder $fontname = TCPDF_FONTS::addTTFfont('/path-to-font/FreeSerifItalic.ttf', 'TrueTypeUnicode', '', 96); // use the font $pdf->SetFont($fontname, '', 14, '', false); For further information and examples, plea...
link to the post that I read: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/207872-tcpdf-error-some-data-has-already-been-output-to-browser-cant-send-pdf-file/?p=1081545 thanks When I use $pdf->output($file, 'I'); I get the error display easily, try ...
也有像mPDF或TCPDF (和其他)这样的选择,它们基于FPDF,但提供高级功能,具有UTF-8支持,并可以解释HTML...
Firstly I would suggest to use TCPDF You can do following steps to generate pdf: Gather all the data in session. After confirming order get all the data from the session and use that data in generating pdf file Use following link to get the example how to generate pdf. ...
Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) This material is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights, and duplication or sale of all or part of any of the repository collections is not permitted, except that material may be duplicated by you for your research use or educational ...
In Laravel, you can use the setTimezone method on a Carbon instance to change the timezone without changing the hour. php datetime laravel laravel-5 PHP create PDF invoice There are several libraries available in PHP that can be used to create PDF invoices, such as TCPDF and FPDF. php...
17 Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) https://doi.org/10.2147/PRBM.S438465 DovePress 871 Kang et al Dovepress to psychological ownership eventually increased users' post-adoption behavior.28 When consumers use IVAs to complete tasks, it is crucial to establish an interactive relationship with ...
Summary of problem or feature request I have installed maatwebsite/Laravel-Excel package and TCPDF package and i want to change the dompdf exporter to tcpdf in this I have read the doc. but there is no mention of how to change it. it is ...
You need to define your PDF writer. First, download TCPDF or a library as proposed in PhpWord (DomPDF, MPDF...). Define the path of this library : \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Settings::setPdfRendererPath('path/to/tcpdf'); \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Settings::setPdfRendererName('TCPDF'); ...
To know how to use two DHL accounts for domestic and international shipping at the same time, refer to this article –How to Set Up Two DHL Accounts for Domestic Shipping and International Shipping? Enable Real-time rates and Shipping Label:Tick on the respective chec...