Tailwind CSS is the easiest way to add modern and enhanced designs to our Next.js app without having to write lots of custom CSS code. If you already have a Next.js application, below are step-by-step instructions to set up and use Tailwind. If not,click here to read our getting star...
Functional components in Next.js are executed exactly like regular functions; they return some custom HTML used to render your component. This means any
How to fix Tailwind CSS colors not work in Next.js All In One Tailwind CSS & Next.js 13 error importtype {Config}from'tailwindcss'constconfig:Config= {content: ['./src/pages/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx,mdx}','./src/components/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx,mdx}','./src/app/**/*.{js,ts...
Editor’s note:This guide to using Tailwind CSS in React and Vue.js was last updated on 6 March 2023 to reflect the most recent changes to CSS, add interactive code examples, and add sections on when to use and not use Tailwind CSS. In recent years,CSS libraries like TailwindCSShave be...
How to use Leaflet with Next.js and MapTiler Vector Tiles: this tutorial shows how to install Leaflet from NPM and create a map and display it on a Next.js application.
We get passed our data through props to use in our component. Then I’m displaying the data simply, with some styling from TailwindCSS. Here’s what our page looks like: Conclusion Thanks for reading! We’ve covered two approaches to loading files in Next.js. Imports are the simplest app...
You can use Tailwind CSS in frontend web projects, including JavaScript frameworks like React.js, Next.js, Laravel, Vite, Gatsby, etc. Pros and Cons of Tailwind CSS Here are some of the advantages of using Tailwind CSS: Faster development process Helps you practice your CSS more as the util...
We will not focus on how to use this in implementation, but rather explain how navigation works in Next.js. If you want to know, visit the docs linked in each of the options above. Next.js's App Router uses a hybrid method for routing and navigation. On the server, it auto-splits...
TailwindCSS for styling. Here are the instructions for setting it up for Next.js . I’m using it because I love utility-first CSS; but you could use literally any styling solution you prefer. Tailwind classes translate quite well because it’s literally just a different way to write vanilla...
We will use it to store user credentials. next-auth: Authentication for Next.js. react-hook-form: a library that helps you validate forms in React. zod: a data validator. bcrypt: to hash passwords. shadcn/ui: a collection of reusable components. 3. Create the following stru...