@tailwind base;@tailwind components;@tailwind utilities; Step 5: Use Tailwind’s CSS classes in your project Finally we’re ready to make use of Tailwind’s CSS classes in our project, e.g. in the template section of file ./src/App.js: ...
How to Get Started With Using Tailwind CSS How to Create a Tailwind CSS PluginDownload article as PDF As you advance as a developer, you are more likely to use technologies that help you do more by writing less code. A solid frontend framework like Tailwind CSS is one way to accomplish ...
Editor’s note:This guide to using Tailwind CSS in React and Vue.js was last updated on 6 March 2023 to reflect the most recent changes to CSS, add interactive code examples, and add sections on when to use and not use Tailwind CSS. In recent years,CSS libraries like TailwindCSShave be...
2. Install/Upgrade TailwindCSS manually 2.1 Add the Tailwind tailwind.config.js to your project 2.2 Configure postcss in nuxt.config.js 2.3 Add tailwind imports to your styles 2.4 Use purgecss to remove unused CSS in the production build 3. Simple Demo - use TailwindCSS in your applic...
These add two scripts to generate the Tailwind CSS files and updates the build and dev scripts to use the new CSS scripts. The path to the CSS files can be configured as needed, but by default it puts the initial file in the root styles/app.css file and the generated output goes to ...
In CSS, try to avoid the use of the !important modifier if possible. However, sometimes it is still necessary. TailwindCSS has a simple way to do this. Just add the!character to the beginning of the selected class. Example: Lorem ipsum Markup Copy When can it be useful?
Step 2: Customize the HTML Content Using Tailwind Built-in Classes Once the CDN is added, use the built-in Tailwind classes to customize your HTML content. Here in this section, the “Font Size”, “Text Align”, and the “Text Color” classes are used to customize the specified HTML...
In the end, your CSS file will look like this:@tailwind base; @tailwind components; @tailwind utilities; @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Inter:wght@100;200;300;400;500;700;900&display=swap'); @layer base { html { font-family: Inter, system-ui, sans-serif; }...
Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework. Utility-first means it has a set of small reusable utility classes that we can use alone or together to create modern and complex designs easily. So instead of writing custom CSS to make a paragraph bold, we can directly use font-bold and th...
Integrating Google Fonts with Tailwind CSSGoogle Fonts are a great way to add custom fonts to your website. They are free, easy to use, and have a wide variety of fonts to choose from. There are three ways to use Google Fonts in Tailwind CSS:...