Tailwind provides a set of pre-designed and pre-built styles that you can apply directly to your HTML markup. Unlike traditional CSS frameworks, which often come with pre-defined components and styles, Tailwind focuses on providing low-level utility classes that you can combine to create custom ...
Let’s tell Tailwind to use the Poppins font that we added instead. Open up yourtailwind.config.jsfile and update the configuration to inherit and extend fromfontFamily.sans: /** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */const{fontFamily}=require("tailwindcss/defaultTheme");module.exports={co...
assets/styles/tailwind.css @import"tailwindcss/base"; @import"tailwindcss/components"; @import"tailwindcss/utilities"; 2.4 Usepurgecssto remove unused CSS in the production build The big advantage of purgecss is that your production website will get stripped of unused css which results in small ...
I have a Angular library who use TailwindCSS. This library has the theme with the plugins configured with components to shared with another microfrontends. I export from the library all the components, the scss files (importing the tailwind base, utilities), vendors etc., also the theme. Ins...
Example projects that demonstrate how to use Expo APIs and integrate Expo with other popular tools - expo/examples
Now, create acards.cssfile where you'll use Tailwind's@layerdirective to define custom card styles: /* cards.css */@layercomponents{.card{@applybg-white rounded-lg shadow-lg p-6;}.card-header{@applytext-xl font-semibold text-gray-900;}.card-body{@applytext-gray-700;}.card-footer{@...
In this article, I will guide you on how to use DaisyUI Navigation components in Vue.js Prerequisites node.js installed Tailwind CSS You can check how to install Tailwind CSS in vue.js from the below link How To Add Tailwind CSS n Vue.js ...
Tailwind Design System – How to StartTo build a Tailwind Design System in UXPin, begin by leveraging the built-in Tailwind UI library, customizing foundational components for brand alignment. Use UXPin’s AI Component Creator for unique elements, set global and local themes for consistent ...
insidetailwind.config.jsinclude the paths to the files that Tailwind checks for class names -> then create a global fileglobals.css-> import the Tailwindbase,components, andutilitystyles->import this global file into theroot layout. And that’s it, we are ready to use Tailwind in any page...
No Would you like to use Tailwind CSS? No Would you like to use `src/` directory? Yes Would you like to use App Router? (recommended) Yes Would you like to customize the default import alias (@/*)? No Bash CopyNavigate to the newly created project folder my-next-map...