Here's how to install and use Telegram to get encrypted, self-destructing, non-intrusive messaging.
If, for some reason, you’re unable to use your mobile boarding pass at the airport due to a technical failure, airline staff will print you out a traditional paper version to use instead. This isn’t something that you need to worry about. What Do I Do With a Mobile Boarding Pass?
In a nutshell, AT&T International Day Pass is an international feature from AT&T that allows you to use your existing AT&T domestic plan abroad like you do at home. This means that your data*, calls, and texts are all accessible in over 210 destinations for a daily fee of $12 on the d...
2. Use Wi-Fi based services and apps for international travel If you’re traveling to a location where you anticipate having access to Wi-Fi, you should use it because it enables your iPhone to operate online rather than accessing your mobile data. Besides, the best part is your iPhone al...
But don't worry, Eurail passes are now virtually identical to Interrail passes. You can buy an Interrail pass a maximum of 11 months before the date you want it to start. If you buy a mobile pass to use on your phone, there's no need to specify a start date, you can choose the ...
Mobile Passport app: How to use it The Mobile Passport app can be used to more easily enter the United States after flying internationally. Learn how to use the app today. Continue, Mobile Passport app: How to use it 1 2 3 For Informational/Educational Purposes Only: The opinions expressed...
International Cell Phone Uses First off, let’s examine how a cell phone (which these days, is almost always some sort of smartphone) can be used abroad. As a traveler, there are multiple ways that you can use your phone internationally. Obviously you’ll want to be able to commun...
Getting startedHow to use international SIMs in the UKShould you buy a dual-SIM phone?How to unlock a phone in the UKWhich phone/SIM is best for you? It’s pretty easy to get a mobile phone up and running in the UK. In this guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know,...
You don’t need to worry about an international SIM card anymore A SIM (subscriber identity module) card is a tiny memory chip that stores data about your cell phone use. A SIM card also stores data on its country of origin and the mobile carrier you use. Some people think that you st...
The Priority Pass app allows users to more seamlessly discover digital features of Priority Pass to enhance their travel experience. Learn some ways to best use the app with an informative guide.