trim().toLowerCase(); } switch(value){ case true: case "true": case 1: case "1": case "on": case "yes": return true; default: return false; } } It's not necessary to cover all the false cases if you already know all of the true cases you'd have to account for. You c...
To address the need for small-signal transient and steady state time-domain simulations of our power inductors and chokes, Coilcraft has developed measurement-based impedance models for LTspice. These are included in theCoilcraft LTspice inductor library. The impedance models use fixed value inductance...
LTSpice strange behavior using non-ideal capacitor in simulations Finding out websites visited via https Is it a crime to erase video of a crime you took on your cellphone? Why wasn't Neo identified at the security checkpoint? Best way to clean tarnish off small brass parts? When s...
In response to Ekta_N I just received the CY8C624ABZI-D44 from the CY8CPROTO-062-4343W kit. This is a PSOC6 part. I took the SRAM component and added some control logic to run it in a custom mode. This was proven on a PSOC5LP chip. I'd like to use the AES-...
Transistor circuit to turn on a solenoid (Model drawn inLTspice, Source: Elizabeth Simon) The answer should be obvious; we need to use a larger transistor. Generally, devices in TO-92 packages are not going to be able to dissipate much power, so when I say “larger,” I’m talking ab...
My goal is not to show how to build the prototype step by step. My goal is to show how my circuit works so that others can use my idea to build a better one. It is not financially worthwhile to build this prototype to save money. My energy cost saving is less than $0.2/day. It...
Figure 1DC charging systems use a variety of circuit protection and power semiconductor technologies. Driving growth Governmental regulation and legislation are driving this growth, as leaders in the United States, China and Europe push the switch to HEVs and EVs to meet the goals of CO2...
This mini tutorial covers the basics of power supply design by giving an overview of the most common topologies and showing how to use simulation design tools such as LTpowerCAD and LTspice.
One approach is to use PWM that controls the input to the associated power switch, which controls its on and off time (duty cycle). In operation, the regulator’s filtered output voltage is fed back to the PWM controller to control the duty cycle. If the filtered output tends to change,...
” I don’t know, that seems pretty unambiguous. It seems to me that the safety offered by FOSS code is only incrementally greater than that of proprietary. It’s not orders of magnitude. Indeed, you might be worse off if you place trust in FOSS when you shouldn’t. To use a ...