Once you have connected the two platforms, you will need to set up your OBS scenes. You can create professional-looking streams very affordably using stream overlays. These are graphics that you can use to showcase various aspects of your stream, including your chat, your latest followers, a...
Can I use AI to create a podcast?While it may sound crazy, creating a podcast with only AI is totally doable. We know. We did it! Do we recommend it? The simple answer is no. Why? Because the real beauty of the podcast medium is the unique host/listener relationship. This loyal ...
Motivate your in-person audience:If you have ever seen the crowd camera at a sports event, you know how people love to be on camera. When you live stream yourprivateevent, you give your in-person audience a chance to be on camera. Use your live stream to get more in-person audience ...
To stream privately, you can create a password-protected stream or use Twitch's "Friends Only" feature to limit access to your stream. Promoting your stream Once you have your stream set up and running, it's important to promote it to attract viewers. You can do this by sharing your ...
OBS Studiois a good streaming software encoder option for broadcasters new to streaming videos because it’s easy to use and free. However, pro-level RTMP-enabled encoders likeWirecast ProandvMixare better options in terms of features and quality. Please note that paidencoding softwarepackages usu...
Once you have connected the two platforms, you will need to set up your OBS scenes. You can create professional-looking streams very affordably using stream overlays. These are graphics that you can use to showcase various aspects of your stream, including your chat, your latest followers, a...
Results can't be streamed. When used with n, best_of controls the number of candidate completions and n specifies how many to return—best_of must be greater than n. Note: Because this parameter generates many completions, it can quickly consume your token quota. logprobs integer null A ...
Results can't be streamed. When used with n, best_of controls the number of candidate completions and n specifies how many to return—best_of must be greater than n. Note: Because this parameter generates many completions, it can quickly consume your token quota. logprobs integer null A ...
OVERLAY files mostly belong toStreamlabs Desktop. An.OVERLAYfile is aconfiguration fileprimarily associated withStreamlabs Desktop(formerlyStreamlabs OBS), a popular streaming software. It contains data, often in aZIPcompressed format, that defines the visual layout of a stream, including elements like ...
1. Don’t Use 1080p 60FPS There are two problems introduced by broadcasting at 1080p 60FPS: 1. OBS Studio is having to use more resources to capture your gameplay and 2. the bitrate required to stream at this quality is approximately 12,000 Kbps, currently twice the limits imposed by ...