Note all file# numbers that are returned. Then, while in sqlplus connected to the database as sys/password as sysdba. Type the following SQL (examples use file# 12 and 15): Alter database datafile 12 online; Alter database datafile 15 online; After all files are back online, continue to...
open a Windows command prompt as Administrator (type cmd in the start menu and click "Run as administrator") Now enter the following commands exactly: sqlplus /nolog conn system alter system set local_listener = '(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=1521))' scop...
Example – For achieving high availability in goldenate for Oracle RAC, we can use ACFS for goldengate relate files. In this article, we will show how to create a ACFS file system in oracle RAC using command line. ENVIRONMENT DETAILS: ORACLE GRID VERSION – NODES – NODE1 , NOD...
5. Now create an Object Storage credential in your source data to fetch the cwallet.sso from the bucket. To create Object Storage credentials, refer tothe documentationor log in to sqlplus or sqldeveloper and run the following command: Copy code snippet Copied ...
The steps involved in moving a datafile from a diskgroup to another is as given below. 1) Identify the data file to be moved. 2) Identify the diskgroup on to which the file has to be moved. 3) Take the file offline. 4) Copy the file to new diskgroup using Either RMAN or DBMS_FIL...
INF - End of SQLPLUS output. bash-2.05$ more /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/oracle/logs/jbpPAA64aarb.log INF - Begin progress logging for process: (672) INF - Putting the database in mount state. INF - Using: /export/home/oracle/OraHome1/bin/sqlplus ...
19.The last step consists in reloading.bash_profileto apply the new settings. # source .bash_profile 20.And then login to the database using the system account and the password chosen inStep 11of the previous section. # sqlplus system@tecmint ...
2. Create spfile in a new disk group from the intermediate pfile 3. Restart the HA stack to verify that ASM starts up fine with moved spfile 4. Remove the original spfile 方法二:or use 'asmcmd spcopy' command 1. Copy spfile with -u option - to update GPnP profile in RAC environment...
You may not know that but you are not allowed to delete recovery partition in Windows Disk Management but you can use DISKPART command to delete partitions from command prompt (of course, you are doing this on your own risk): 1. Run Command Prompt (CMD) as administrator. ...
transport_datafilesis used to specify the data files that make you the tablespace you are transporting. Specify the parameter multiple times to specify more data files. You can useasmcmdto get the data file paths and names. Data Pump Ignorable Errors ...