若要學習如何使用 IBM® SPSS® Statistics,請從「說明」功能表選擇下列其中一項: 指導教學。 插圖及步驟式的指示說明如何使用許多基本功能。您不需檢視全部的輔導簡介。可以選擇想要檢視的主題、依需求跳過及檢視主題,並使用索引或目錄來尋找特定的主題。您也可以按一下這裡來啟動指導教學。 個案研討。 如何建立多...
要学习如何使用IBM® SPSS® Statistics,从菜单中选择以下其中一个选项:
B. C. Cronk, How to Use SPSS: A Step-by-Step Guide to Analysis and Interpretation, Pyrczak, Glendale, Calif, USA, 2004.Cronk, B. C. (2012). How to use SPSS statistics: A step-by-step guide to analysis and interpretation. Pyrczak Pub....
When we show you how to use SPSS Statistics to carry out a particular statistical test, we do this using an example. If you want to practice before analysing your own data, you can download the SPSS Statistics data file for each example. You'll quickly be able to check that you get th...
Therefore, in our enhanced moderator analysis guide, we show you: (a) how to use SPSS Statistics to detect for multicollinearity through an inspection of correlation coefficients and Tolerance/VIF values; and (b) how to interpret these correlation coefficients and Tolerance/VIF values so that you...
Designed for use by novice computer users, this text begins with the basics, such as starting SPSS, defining variables, and entering and saving data. All major statistical techniques covered in beginning statistics classes are included: descriptive statistics graphing data prediction and association para...
How to use SPSS 来自 ben.edu 喜欢 0 阅读量: 65 作者: BC Cronk 摘要: Discussion Forums: This course is designed to be a collaborative learning experience using Discussion Forums. Each week, there will be at least two, and often three, separate discussions on topics related to Research....
I would like to use IF statement: IF Var A=1 OR Var B=1 OR Var C=2 OR 4 OR 5 OR 8, Then create a new variable and gives a value of 1. Otherwise give the value of 0. For instance, if Var A=1, Var=2, Var C=1, then create a new variable and gives a value...
Step 1:Click Analyze, mouse overDescriptive Statistics, and then clickDescriptivesto open the Descriptives box. Step 2:Select the variablesyou want descriptive statistics in SPSS for. If you have multiple variables, you can select one at a time or hold down the Ctrl key and click to select ...
calculator within the SPSS windows. It will add, subtract, find averages, and perform a whole host of other arithmetic functions. Once SPSS has calculated the result, it will return those results in a new column at the end of the existing data. Here’s how to use the compute variables ...