Your business, your brand. How you would like to present your business on social media is entirely up to you. Getting more personal reminds your audience that there are people behind your company. When running a social media account for a business, it’s easy to fall into the trap of ste...
While companies recognize the value of social media for building brand awareness, what they often don’t understand is that it’s also a powerful tool for generating leads, both directly and indirectly. So, make sure your social media platforms are optimized for easy conversions. With passing ti...
Most people online are building “a brand,” but sometimes people forget whose brand they are building and if they are making the right strategic moves. For instance, if your Twitter handle reads “@fastcar,” then you aren’t building your own personal brand. When people retweet you, they...
Over the course of building your social presence, you may have hypotheses about what will work or what won’t. Be open to changing your approach when you find that an offbeat post you created on a whim goes viral or customers share a new use for your product. Usesocial media management ...
But, how do you decide which social media platforms best serve your brand’s needs? Here are 7 easy steps: Step 1: Get to know your audience The online habits of social media users have evolved significantly, and it’s essential to understand where your audience goes after leaving major pl...
When you’re using social media for link building, one of your goals is to connect with people using social media platforms. Once a connection has been established, you can form partnerships where your chosen influencers can promote or mention your brand through their social media accounts and ...
Building a Brand on Social Media is a Smart Move! Social media is one of the most powerful tools to have in your marketing arsenal. That doesn’t mean that you can take a casual approach to it. Once you take the right steps to build a brand on social media, though, you’ll be on...
Usesocial media listening tools:These tools can help you track mentions of your brand and competitors across social media. This can give you some insight into the conversations people are having about your industry. Conduct market research:There are various ways to do market research, but some...
Collaborate with Social Media Influencers and Fashion Bloggers Ace the Customer Service Game It's not about selling clothes, but rather creating the concept and building brand awareness. 1. Use the Power of Instagram and Dominate the Hashtags The most obvious yet vital medium, Instagram, should ...
Social media can provide a great platform to spread brand awareness. Used properly, your social presence can also be used to boost your SEO strategy by earning quality backlinks to your website. Links are one of the most important quantifiers used by search engines as they decide how relevant...