you probably have sheetrock walls. When you knock on the wall, it will sound hollow. When stripping the wallpaper, you should be gentle with the use of putty knives, scrapers, or any other tool you may use. Sheetrock is easy to damage and nowhere near as sturdy...
Sheetrock, carpet knife or straight-edge knife or heat gun to remove old tape General Tips(PLEASE READ) Use an abundance of solvent! Completely cover the grip with tape – do not leave gaps! Take care not to kink or bend the grip when installing. This can tear the underlast. ...
No matter what you use to fill in the gap in the sheetrock fireplace, you must always clean the affected area with a vacuum, followed by a wet towel. From there, the process diverges a bit. 1. Using caulk Apply painter’s tape to any area you want to leave untouched. Cut the caulk...
In this video clip I’m using my knockdown texture sponge to apply joint compound to the areas where the original paper drywall tape had failed on a vaulted ceiling. After I repaired the vaulted 30’+ ceiling tape joint I used the Knockdown Texture Sponge to perfectly match the existing k...
Drywall and sheetrock vs plaster Sheetrock is a material used in construction, but it’s not the same thing as drywall. Sheetrock is a patented product produced by the U.S. Gypsum Company and incorporates a few specific chemicals into the material. It’s structurally similar to drywall; the ...
Next, you need to seal off the area in which you’ll be working. Use large sheets of plastic and duct tape to block doorways and heating vents. That’s because as you clean up the mold, mold spores will become airborne and you don’t want them drifting into other rooms or areas of...
Do you tape where cement board meets ceiling? You will haveto tape and mudthe areas where the cement board meets sheetrock on the verticle walls but the ceiling joint in not needed. Can backer board be used in place of drywall? Backer board is a substrate material for tile. ... Its st...
The tape you use for taping cement board seams is similar tofiberglass meshdrywall tape. It's coated with an adhesive to make it stick to the seam, which makes the whole process much simpler than it would be if you had to embed it in taping compound as you do with paper drywall tape...
Suppose it takes 4 hours of labor time to hang sheetrock in a room and 2 hours to tape and plaster a wall. If one person spent an entire 8 hour day hanging sheetrock, (a) In how many rooms could shee Is overtime paid for fringe benefits on prevailing wage jobs?
You want to look for moisture-resistant and, even more important, mold-resistant products. Sheetrock® is one example. Mold-resistant drywall tape is also available. Mold-Resistant Paint Mold-resistant paint can help discourage the growth of mold on painted surfaces. However, if there is alread...