Toothless, however, is unable to use this ability to his fullest when confined to narrow spaces while flying. Strength and Combat: Toothless has shown to be tremendously strong for a dragon of his size, able to hold his own against other larger dragon species such as the Monstrous Nightmare...
As you choose or develop your main character, consider what makes them vulnerable to the fear you're exploring. How are they uniquely built to have to face that fear in the scariest scenes of your story? 3. Work the suspense Hitchcock wasn’t one of the greats for nothing. The soul of...
Typical prayer and fellowship times with God for scheduling include: upon waking; while getting dressed; while dressing children; at breakfast; right after breakfast; morning devotionals; going to work; at 9 AM (or coffee break); 12 noon, lunch; 3 PM (or coffee break); coming home from w...
for an unqualified yes, let me hasten to remind you that in the long run, it truly is better for your book if the agent of your dreams (and Millicent, the stalwart soul s/he has entrusted to narrowing the thousands of queries and hundreds of submissions a good agent receives t...
In a world driven by technology,it’s the boldness of your imagination that stands out.The courage to ask, “What’s next?” and then create it. The willingness not to use AI, not as a crutch, but as a catalyst for the impossible. ...
I don’t want to shatter too many of your illusions in one day, though, so I’ll hold off on those. Do I spot some raised hands out there? “But Anne,” Catherine’s well-wishers across the globe call out, and with good reason, “I’ll fess up: I thou...
What NOT to use: Be mindful of blenders with very thin walls (plastic or glass). They could melt or shatter under the stress of the heat. Don’t use anyblenderthat doesn’t have a high temperature rating. Don’t use anything that can’t vent the trapped steam…like those single-size...
Culture War is Class War disguised. The Wealthy Elite--the "Filthy Rich"--foment Culture War in society to distract and cover their real economic motives. Culture War, Class War explores the resulting cultural divide--how it was instigated and kept alive
base of your drum, and start layering the bottles in, ensuring that you use old rags (or newspaper) between the bottles so that when they are boiling they don’t hit each other and shatter. Continue to build up the bottles in the drum until you are out of space, or out of bottles....
2. Love can cause war; in the cases of love of religion and the love of money; war can cause people to steal and murder, it can lead to suicide and shatter marriage and family life, it can spread disease and give birth to evil; but love is eternal and cannot be eliminated, it is...