$ scp -i /home/keys/id_rsa -P 2390 file1 user@'s also possible to copy a directory by using the -r parameter. To copy a directory named backup, use:$ scp -r backup user@ command copies the entire backup directory to /opt/backup. ...
$scp-i/home/keys/id_rsa-P2390file1 user@ It's also possible to copy a directory by using the-rparameter. To copy a directory namedbackup, use: $scp-rbackup user@ This command copies the entirebackupdirectory to/opt/backup. Please note that you ...
For the most part, SCP attempts to use the AES-128 encryption algorithm for all of its file transfers. However, there are instances where this particular algorithm will not be suitable for the files that you want to transfer. Knowing that, it is possible to further optimize and secure SCP ...
In order to use SCP to transfer files, you must first establish anSSH connectionvia login to the remote server you wish to transfer files with. This is done either by a username/password-based login in Terminal, or via the use ofpublic key infrastructure(SSHPKI key pairs). Once logged in...
The SCP command allows a secure and easy way to transfer files to a remote host, such as a VPS server. Check our article to learn how to use it.
Using the scp command 1. Push a file from one machine to another Let's say you have the file zdnet_test on your local machine and you want to push it to another machine at IP address To do this, log into the local machine and open a terminal window. Let's say you...
2. Copy the public key to the remote device On the Linux server, accessed from the local Windows client, do the following: Connect to the remote Linux server via a standard password-protected SSH/PuTTY session and log in. Use the command$ mkdir ~/.sshto create a directory named ~/.s...
Whenever you need to usescpto copy files, it asks for passwords. Same withrsyncas it(by default)usessshas well. Usuallyscpandrsynccommands are used to transfer or backup files between known hosts or by the same user on both the hosts. It can get really annoying the password is asked eve...
It works fine if the server runs on the default port but if theport number is differentthen use the below command: scp -P 2022 myfile.doc remote_username@ Similarly, we cancopy a directory to the remote server by using the -r optionin the command. See the...
scp<FiletoUpload><RemoteUser>@<ServerIP>:<RemoteDirectory> In the example below the user uploads a file namedfile1to the remote subdirectory namedDocuments/. scpfile1 linuxhint2@ To upload directories, use the recursive-rflag, the rest of the syntax is similar to the...