Experts suggest 13 things to clean with rubbing alcohol around the house and explain why it works effectively to banish bacteria and shine surfaces
Next, take a cotton swab and dip it in rubbing alcohol. Make sure it’s humid, not dripping with liquid. Use it to very gently go over the vents and connectors in the I/O ports with the soft part of the swab. If the swab doesn’t fit, don’t force it, simply skip this step....
Learn how to clean a wood floor plus get tips on how to cover scratches to maintain your floor's earthy, warm beauty for years to come.
Now that you have identified the position and type of bed bugs, you should consider the type of rubbing alcohol to use. Keep in mind that some rubbing alcohol products have been greatly diluted hence they may not have many lethal effects on the bugs. The higher the alcohol content, the mo...
While a professional phone fixer may be able to clear out any corrosion by swabbing the circuitry with rubbing alcohol -- again, don't try this at home, kids -- in many cases, the eventual demise of your phone is only a matter of time. Sorry. ...
According to Apple, disinfectant wipes with up to 70% isopropyl rubbing alcohol are safe to use without causing any harm to your iPhone. And, while other phone manufacturers haven’t given any official guidance on how to clean their products, this is a good rule of thumb as these wipes sho...
More recently, I’ve been using 91 percent rubbing alcohol to clean off the blade because it’s safe to use on food, gets the job done well, and evaporates quickly. I bought some cotton cloths, dab a little alcohol on them, and clean away the gunk. I got the cloths at a dollar st...
Rubbing alcohol serves a variety of useful functions around the house. You can use it as a disinfectant, to eliminate unpleasant smells and to clean earring posts. Its strong odor, however, tends to linger both in the air and on anything you use it on. Inhaling too much rubbing alcohol ca...
Then, apply some standard rubbing alcohol to the affected area. Larger stains may need to soak for up to 15 minutes. Blot/sponge at the stain with a clean cloth until you notice that ink is no longer being transferred. Rinse, apply a pre-treatment (if you have one) ...
If you clean stainless steel straws properly, you will get many years of use from them. Steps to Clean Stainless Steel Straws Ideally, when you are finished drinking that delicious Blueberry Avocado Hemp Smoothie, you rinse out the straw with hot water to get leftover smoothie out. ...