How to Use STAND TALL in Your Classroom
WARNING:Custom Resolution Utility tweaking can cause your monitor to go OUT OF RANGE. Please do not do advanced steps (e.g. Custom Resolution via NVIDIA Control Panel or ToastyX) without knowing what you are doing. Make sure you know how to use such utilities before following...
Knowing how much of your CPU is in use can be crucial to diagnosing performance issues. Here’s how.
Once you've got it down you will need to take it apart with your knife, in the same way you would a fleshy body, in order to get at the components you need. Rinse and repeat at least three times to get the materials you need. Then bon voyage and happy hacking. How to Use the ...
Unlike the other tools, RTSS does need to be running to work, it can't be closed out, but it's fine to minimize the window, and the app is very lightweight. That's why a lot of people allow it to start with Windows—it's easier than trying to remember to open it before p...
There’s aworkaroundto reduce the input lag added by VSync, which includes usingRTSS(Rivatuner Statistics Server) to limit the in-game frame rate by your monitor’s maximum refresh rate subtracted by 0.01. To know the exact refresh rate (with 3 decimals) of your monitor, you can usethis...
*As of Nvidia driver version 441.87, Nvidia has made an official framerate limiting method available in the NVCP; labeled “Max Frame Rate,” it is a CPU-level FPS limiter, and as such, is comparable to the RTSS framerate limiter in both frametime performance and added delay. The “Nvidi...
In general, I would recommend using an in-game limiter or RTSS to cap your frame rate and use a FreeSync or G-Sync Monitor from there to eliminate screen tearing. The added input latency from V-Sync and its more direct impact on FPS drops when they occur leans me against recommending it...
Thats exactly what I use on my system, it shows up in SensorPanel under the System group, called "RTSS FPS". i have that on as well. it don’t show up on mine unless i click my secondary monitor as soon as i click on my gaming one it stops showing Quote WanaGo Members 12...
The question then remains: aren't we throwing away the baby with the bathwater, when authenticity seemingly cannot exist in learning environments? Aren't there some ways to use the terms "authenticity" and "authentic" constructively for tasks? environments to learn in [24]. The same holds for...