How to set up & interface XBee Module with Arduino (Tx & Rx) February 2, 2025 How to use LDR Sensor Module with Arduino February 2, 2025 MQTT Based Wind Weather Station using GSM & Arduino July 20, 2023 Arduino UNO R4 Minima Board Overview & Getting Started Guide ...
this tutorial is wrong. Tested on STM32L010F4P6. To use the function HAL_RTCEx_BKUPWrite(&hrtc, RTC_BKP_DR1, 0xBEBE); no need to call HAL_PWR_EnableBkUpAccess(); or HAL_PWR_DisableBkUpAccess();. Actually, if the HAL_PWR_DisableBkUpAccess(); function is used, it is not possi...
Due to its popularity among hobbyists, academics, and professionals, Arduino boards are made to be simple to use and programmable. The Arduino board comes in a variety of models, each with unique features and capabilities. In this article I’m going to look in detail at the most popular Ar...
Once we connect the module we need to program the Arduino Board to work with the Real Time Clock. However, when it comes to programing a communication between Arduino and an I2C module the code isn’t that small and easy. Luckily, there are already several libraries for the DS3231 RTC wh...
The Arduino code here uses a Real Time Clock (RTC) that keeps track of the time of day for a few years until the internal battery runs out. The RTC circuit uses special Arduino code to set the clock time. The process for setting the RTC is quite simple andwell described on t...
And this is how we can build a real-time clock circuit with a DS1307 RTC chip. Related Resources How to Build a Real-time Clock Circuit with an Arduino
of a USB to TTL 3V3 Serial Cable, it is also possible to program the ESP-01 using an Arduino UNO, usingthis circuit, but don't use the UNO 3V3 power pin as the ESP-01's power supply it is only rated at 150mA and can cause problems when trying to debug a project that uses ...
HowTo , DIY , Interface , Programming , RTC , I2C Hack a Toy Car to Make a Cheap Wireless Robot Hack a toy car to make a cheap wireless robot? Yes, cheap toy remote cars form china can be scavenged to get their remotes to work with our robots. All of us have seen and played wi...
To create a code for an Arduino that controls a servo motor to spray the aromizers and natural pesticides every 3 hours during the day and every 5 hours at night, you can use the following example code. Make sure you have a real-time clock (RTC) module for accurate timekeeping. In th...
MCU: Nearly any microcontroller is able to communicate with an external RTC, but most modern controllers have one built in. Our go-to is the Teensy 3.X series, just keep in mind that you’ll need a backup battery to keep time. Display: Seven segment LEDs make for a classic look, but...