I would like to have a link onPhone tabofFeedback screen. How to add this if I already have one shell router for bottom navigation. Reading a(Nested Navigation doc)I noticed TabBar with state preserving but I stuck on combining these 2 nested navigations. final _shellNavigatorMainKey = Gl...
Now, hereAppRoutes.Messageis my route name. You may use any string. IfGet.currentRoutecontains a certain route then the above statement would return true. GetX Pass Data Back to Previous Screen Here we will see how to pass data back to previous screen using GetX. GetX provides easy to pa...
startActivity(newIntent(this,FlutterActivity.class)); it does open my flutter activity but with the initialRoute: '/' which is fine but some time i want to open for eg( '/dashboard') routes when i open a flutter activity how can i do it ??
In GetX before navigating from one screen to another we require routes. So let's create routes. app_routes.dart class AppRoutes { static const home = '/home'; } app_pages.dart import 'package:flutter_getx/app/modules/home_binding.dart'; import 'package:flutter_getx/app/modules/home_page...
Here,req.viewreturns a ViewRenderer. Since we configured LeafRenderer as our ViewRenderer, we can use the file extension.leaf. Step 2: You need to register yourWebsitecontroller. Inside yourroutesfile located atSources/App, open theroutesfolder and you should see the following code: ...
We'll need to use the declarative way for our go_router.app.dart import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:go_router/go_router.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import 'package:temple/globals/settings/router/app_router.dart'; class MyApp extends StatefulWidget { ...
I have below code in flutter. In initialRoute: attribute, it needs to call isLoggedIn() method which is an async function. I got an error saying I need to call await in a async function. But the build method is overridden from its parent class which is not async method. How can I...
warehouse operations to which the Odoo routes are connected before creating any inventory routes. To build new routes in Odoo, you need to activate this option from the Settings menu of the module. The Warehouse tab, where it is seen below, is where you can activate the Multi-Step Routes....
To improve this slightly, we can wrap the code in a try-catch block: void main() async { try { await someAsyncCodeThatMayThrow(); runApp(const MaterialApp(home: MainApp())); } catch (e, st) { // TODO: register the global error handlers: https://docs.flutter.dev/testing/errors ...
it routes traffic through an untrusted server, which allows attackers to potentially bypass security measures put in place by the app provider. The Detect VPN feature allows Appdome customers to ensure that end users are not utilizing a VPN while accessing their app, thereby enforcing their network...