More PostgreSQLreplace()Function Examples Let’s say we have a table with a column namedtextmade up of single words, as shown here: idtext 1Red 2Green 3Blue 4Red 5Red And we want to replace every occurrence of the wordRedwithYellow. We can use thereplace()function, as shown here: ...
The translate() function in PostgreSQL replaces a set of characters in the main string with some translated characters. The main string, the set of characters to be replaced, and the replacement characters are passed as arguments into the function. Message encryption and decryption is one of the...
PostgreSQL Basics How to Delete How to Update How to Insert How to Use substring() with RegEx to Extract a String How to Use substring() How to Use string_agg() How to Trim Strings How to Replace Substrings How to Query Arrays How to Modify Arrays How to Insert Data Into an Array ...
Most Linux distributions ship PostgreSQL in their repository. However, the included PostgreSQL version is quite outdated in some cases. To get the most recent version of PostgreSQL or a specific version of PostgreSQL, we can use the PostgreSQL repository. This repository will integrate with your nor...
How to Use NULLIF Function in PostgreSQL? The NULLIF() function can be better understood by implementing it practically. So, let’s do it! Example #1: Both Arguments Are Equal Let’s consider the below snippet to learn how the NULLIF() function deals with the equal arguments: ...
This article will focus on how to set it up with Postgres, because why would you use anything else? Here’s what you’ll need: PHP 7.2+ Composer (a dependency manager for PHP) PostgreSQL 9.5+ Installation of these components is falls outside the scope of this article, but if you need...
How do we create the pivot tables in PostgreSQL? Let’s find it out. This article will explore the crosstab function and its different use cases. Pre-requisites You need the following requirements to work with this article. In this article, I am using PostgreSQL 14.5 on Ubuntu. If ...
If you prefer to use the Postgres app, then I recommend uninstalling Postgres from Homebrew: brew services stop postgresql@15 brew uninstall --force postgresql@15 If you have a version of Postgres other than “15”, replace “15” in the commands above with the one shown when you runbrew ...
2. Use the following syntax to create a database: CREATE DATABASE [dbname]; Replace[dbname]with the database name. For example: Note:See how todelete a database in PostgreSQL. Check Connection Information If you are connected to PostgreSQL and want to see details of the connection, use th...
The easiest way to test that your application is able to use the PostgreSQL database is to try to run it. For example, to run the development environment (the default), use this command: rails server Copy This will start your Rails application on your localhost on port...