As of version 5.1.23, MySQL does not feature a direct command to rename a database. TheRENAME DATABASEcommand was removed due to its flawed design, which increased the chance of accidentaldata loss. The removal of the command made renaming MySQL databases more complicated, but multiple methods...
The simplest way to rename a column is to use theALTER TABLEcommand with theRENAME COLUMNclause. This clause has been available since MySQL version 8.0. Note:To rename a column in MySQL 5.7.x with ALTER TABLE, run the following command:ALTER TABLE [table_name] CHANGE [old_column_name] [...
To rename the MySQL table, the “ALTER TABLE <existing-name> RENAME <new-name>;” and the “RENAME TABLE <existing-name> TO <new-name>;” statements are used.
This article will make us understand how we can rename the table in MySQL. How we can rename a table in MySQL To understand how we can rename the table in MySQL, we will first open the terminal and go to the MySQL environment by using the command $sudomysql Once we are in MySQL, we...
2. In Linux shell, use mysqldump to back up the old database, then restore the dumped database under a new name using the MySQL utility. Finally, use the drop database command to drop the old database. This option can preform badly for large database. ...
RENAMETABLEold_table_nameTOnew_table_name; The old table (old_table_name) must exist, and the new table (new_table_name) must not. If the new tablenew_table_namedoes exist, the statement will fail. In addition to the tables, we can use theRENAME TABLEstatement to renameviews. ...
mysql -uusername-p -e "CREATE DATABASEnew_dbname" To export the old database to a file, type the following command. Replaceusernamewith the MySQL username, and replaceold_dbnamewith the name of the database that you want to rename: ...
Delete Values in Table Now, as you can see, the user “tecmint” has been deleted successfully. Rename Table in MySQL To rename a table in MySQL, you can use theRENAME TABLEstatement. Let’s say you want to rename the tableminttectousers. You would run the following command. ...
me too, i'm wondering if its possible to change/rename a database and its table with the MT with command line ?? 'cause, i've a lot of Access DB to migrate to MYSQL DB, with same names but different data, and i want to make a batch file with automatic migration ...
Date: October 10, 2006 05:05PM Hello there OK, now I know how to RENAME, tha's is good, but the migration tool is importing an EMPTY SYSCOLUMNS table from my MS-SQL database It also imports the SYS* tables I want into a MYSQL_SYSTABLES instead of the database I want them into....