I'm using firebase.auth().signInWithCustomToken(this.props.sessionToken) for login with custom session token, but I also want to use the refresh token to have user still auth after 1 hr (default time of expiring). How can I use https://d...
Refresh tokens are nothing but random numbers. You can add your own logic to generate the random string. To enhance security, many devs generate these token using the IP address of the client browser. It’s up to you to choose a mechanism. I will use a built-in Crypto Function to gener...
whenever an access token is required to access a specific resource, a client may use a refresh token to get a new access token issued by the authentication server. Common use cases include getting new access tokens after old ones have expired, or getting access to a new resource for the...
When you use the token-based authentication including OAuth, there are two tokens: access token and refresh token. Whenever you need to access a protected resource, An access token should be used to approve the access right. A refresh Token is a kind of special token. It can be used to ...
You can also register the provider to use Refresh Tokens. A Refresh Token is not always available. Additional configuration is required:For Azure Active Directory, configure a client secret for the Azure Active Directory App. Specify the client secret in the Azure App Service when configuring ...
To revoke the refresh token of another user: POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/object_id_or_upn_of_user/revokeSignInSessions Alternatively, you can use below PowerShell cmdlets as well: Revoke-AzureADSignedInUserAllRefreshToken Revoke-AzureADUserAllRefreshToken Access tokens cannot be ...
I need to use a refresh token to get an acces topen, to get data from an API. The API forces me to use the post methode and as far as i know, that mean i have to put the refesh token in the body of the request, but I am stumped how to do that. I hav...
I've been trying to use your angular-jwt module with the express-jwt module to refresh expired tokens. However, the documentation for these two modules does not seem to match up or explain how they work with each other. I've created an e...
I get a token , but i can't refresh it , the system tell me "The token has been blacklisted". I am sorry,my english is very bad. thanks for your help. Route: $app->group(['prefix'=>'auth','namespace'=>'\App\Http\Controllers'],function()use($app) {$app->post('/signin'...