CodePen is completely free to use and you don't even have to sign up or log in. We do recommend creating a free account as it will allow you to save and organize your pens and much more. Using a framework/library like React, Vue, Next, etc.? CodePen isn't always ideal for t...
We used a React front-end and a Node.js back-end stack. Why do we use Redux? When we needed to define a stack for this project, due to its nature of involving a lot of visual presentation and 3D modeling, React presented itself as a no brainer choice, regarding the front-end ...
Get an overview of error handling in React applications and how to use React error boundaries to handle render-time errors. Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock Graceful error handling is an essential aspect of well-designed software. It’s also tricky. This article offers an overview of error handling...
Another great solution is Codepen.You can use this Codepen starter project which already comes pre-configured with React, with support for Hooks: “pens” are great for quick projects with one JavaScript file, while “projects” are great for...
Below is a very simple example demonstrating how you should organize your code for the video player using the recommendations above:Video tutorial: Embed the Video Player in a React appWatch this video tutorial to learn how to embed the Video Player in a React app:...
@FezVrasta Sorry, we have z-index higher than 3 because we use an opensource react component that has set their z-index higher than that and we have to pop above it. Your pen gets it above the content but not the absolute positioned footer, which is my problem. Shrink your window so...
In a larger application scale, this will prove to be a significant performance difference in the long run.If you have ever tried to use the map() method to iterate over an array to render a list of elements, it is likely that you have seen React complaining about a missing key prop ...
Introduced in 2009, it was initially known as Mooshell. This tool is compatible with popular JavaScript frameworks like Vue, React, etc. In it, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code snippets are referred to as fiddles. JSFiddle is known for its easy-to-use interface. The user can type some ...
In MySQL, it is possible to benefit from the MVCC feature by using InnoDB. InnoDB is the default MySQL engine that enables the database system to be ACID compliant and to have MVCC. Developers can choose to use other engines; however, it might imply losing these two characteristics. ...
Learn how to use React.memo, some common pitfalls you might encounter, and why you shouldn't use React.memo for all your components.