R is a programming language. To use R, we need to install anIntegrated Development Environment(IDE).Rstudiois the Best IDE available as it is user-friendly, open-source and is part of the Anaconda platform. What is Anaconda? Anaconda free open source is distributing both Python andR programm...
learning to .NET applications, in either online or offline scenarios. With this capability, you can make automatic predictions using the data available to your application. Machine learning applications make use of patterns in the data to make predictions rather than needing to be explicitly ...
I'm working with a very old project which was built with Visual Studio 2008 toolset.I wanted to upgrade my project for Visual Studio 2017. So I have made all the necessary modifications to build all the sub projects separately. And it worked. But when I tried to build the whole projec...
When using git at the command line, I am wondering if it is possible to use Visual Studio Code as the default editor, i.e. when creating commit comments and looking at a diff of a file from the command line. I understand that it won't be possible to use it for doing merges (at ...
I use latexmk with -xelatex option, which I have installed on Windows via MiKTeX. I used the command line in my project folder to find what arguments got me the result I wanted. In my case, the following did the trick: D:\path\to\project>latexmk -xelatex -outdir=out file.tex ...
Install a Visual Studio .NET 2003 deployment package on a computer that has Visual Studio 2005 installed. It adds a key to the registry at: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\7.1\AddIns\youraddinname.yourclassname. Export this registry key for modification. Open the exported key ...
learning to .NET applications, in either online or offline scenarios. With this capability, you can make automatic predictions using the data available to your application. Machine learning applications make use of patterns in the data to make predictions rather than needing to be explicitly ...
As jdharrison said, head(da,6) will work - alternatively you can use the indices to print the top 6 rows da[1:6,] When using the indices notation remember it's [rows,columns] and you must include the comma if you have a data.frame or matrix - i.e. [1:6,] for ...
You start creating a custom template with the project template project., which is part of the Visual Studio SDK. In this procedure we will use a C# project template project, but there is also a Visual Basic project template project. Then you add a VSIX project to the solution that contains...
How to Use Homebrew to Install R and RStudio on a Mac If you are a developer, you know that the Terminal on your Mac is powerful. That said, package managers like Homebrew make the Terminal a productivity workhorse. Therefore, if you don't have Homebrew on your system, you should downl...