include_directory(.) # or include_directory(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) QMake: The target to built: TARGET = test CMake: Set the name of the target, add the sources, link the required libs. add_executable(test ${SOURCES} ) qt5_use_modules(test Core Network) # This macro depends f...
Discover tips on how to use CMake with Qt capabilities to manage build processes and dependencies across projects. Explore talks, whitepapers, and comprehensive guides.
One of the most difficult things about getting started with QtQuick/QML is understanding how to use QtQuick in a 'modern' development environment. Qt provides a lot of good build tools (such as qmake), testing (qtest), and debugging tools that work very well on their own, but those too...
This works only with qmake, for cmake look at the other doc. Describes when to apply to Windows. The method of applying it on Linux or Mac is similar, and I will write help if there is an additional request. Hi! I'm j2doll. My native language is not English and my English is no...
This works only with qmake, for cmake look atthe other doc. Describes when to apply to Windows. The method of applying it on Linux or Mac is similar, and I will write help if there is an additional request. Hi! I'm j2doll. My native language is not English and my English is not...
cmake version 2.8.3 Did this tutorial help a little? How about buy me a cup of coffee? Please feel free to use the comments form below if you have any questions or need more explanation on anything. I do not guarantee a response. ...
如果配置正常,会看到输出QMake的版本信息。 新建一个 Clion 项目,在其中添加以下内容 find_package( Qt5Core REQUIRED ) find_package( Qt5Widgets REQUIRED ) find_package( Qt5Gui REQUIRED ) qt5_use_modules( MyTest Core Widgets Gui ) #MyTest is the Project's name ...
and it sees the verdin on my network. I ssh’d into the board and set the password for the user “torizon”. I can’t ssh in with the user I created in the web interface, so I assume I’m supposed to use “torizon” here in the plugin. However, when I try to connect via t...
sudo chmod aog+x /usr/autodesk/maya2019/bin/moc sudo chmod aog+x /usr/autodesk/maya2019/bin/qmakeBuild Prerequisite for PyQtYou'll need to build setuptools and enum34 before installing SIP. Please find the source on the PyPI.After extracting the source code, please use commands like sudo...
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/ClangLazy.dir/Utils.cpp.o] Error 1 make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/ClangLazy.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [all] Error 2