void runQuery() { QSqlQuery qq; qq.prepare( "SELECT id,state FROM testtable WHERE state IN (:states)"); QList<QVariant> statesList = QList<QVariant>(); statesList.append(0); statesList.append(1); statesList.append(2); qq.bindValue(":states", statesList); qq.exec(); qDebug() ...
So my updated question is, how to use thesetData(const QVariant &userData)to assign indices to my action items. Please advise. mainwindow.h #ifndef MAINWINDOW_H #define MAINWINDOW_H #include <QMainWindow> #include <QDebug> #include <QSignalMapper> namespace Ui { class MainWindow; } cla...
int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { QApplication app( argc, argv ); //Lets register our custom handler, before we start qInstallMsgHandler(customMessageHandler); ... return app.exec(); } Now output of a call to qDebug() redirects to debug-log file specified in the customMessageHa...
Starting with Qt 5.10, you must use QAndroidService instead of QCoreApplication on the server side. Getting started Step I: Extend QtService Every single Qt Android Service must have its own Service java class which extends QtService, so the first step is to create such a service: // java...
First, right-click the C++ “Sources” folder of your project in Qt Creator, select “Add New…” and choose the “C++ Class” template in the C++ section:3. Then set “MyGlobalObject” as Class Name and select “Include QObject” to include the QObject type, as the main r...
Using Ubuntu 16.04 Android NDK r16b Protobuf v3.5.1 Language C++ Qt 5.9.6 on Android Build Protobuf with Android NDK refer to Android Standalone Toolchains ~/Android/android-ndk-r16b/build/tools/make-standalone-toolchain.sh \ --arch=arm ...
The install of Qt is a matter of a few clicks. Qt comes with its own IDE, and with only a few lines of code you can create an application that runs on all major OS. We will not give a full Qt tutorial, but just describe what needs to be done in order to be able to use ...
qDebug()<<"RSA_generate_key() error"; BIO_free_all(bp_public); BIO_free_all(bp_private); RSA_free(r); BN_free(bne); return0; } //save public key bp_public=BIO_new_file("public.pem","w+"); ret=PEM_write_bio_RSAPublicKey(bp_public,r); ...
In our example, we will use a Qt's QThreadPool object to manage a collection of threads. The QThreadPool object of an application can be accessed by calling QThreadPool::globalInstance().To be able to use one of the QThreadPool threads, we have to subclass QRunnable and implement the...