How to Use sudo in Linux Once a user is added to thesudogroup, they can use thesudocommand to perform administrative tasks. Basic sudo Usage To usesudo, simply prepend it to the command you want to run with superuser privileges. sudo apt update Run Command as Sudo When you run this co...
The sudo command allows any user within the sudo group to run commands as another user. By default, sudo will run as root, but you can specify any user you want. If you plan on using a Linux operating system, you will likely use this command quite a bit. LATEST VIDEOS This video can...
This tutorial showed how to use thewhichcommand inLinuxto find the path to a command's executable binary. See and download ourLinux commands cheat sheetfor other essential Linux commands and examples of using them.
How To Use Ip Command In Linux with Examples The linuxipcommand is similar toifconfig, but more powerful and is intended to be a replacement for it. With ip you have the advantage of performing several network administration tasks with only one command. ifconfig is one of the deprecated com...
You can use the below mentioned method to install the hwinfo command line tool on Linux system: Installation of hwinfo Command Line Tool in Linux Using Apt For the installation of hwinfo command line tool execute the command given below: ...
Htop is a powerful utility for interactively checking system processes in real time. This tutorial briefly discusses how to use the htop command. As htop is not a preinstalled utility in Linux distributions, your first step is to install it using the mentioned commands. Later, we explained how...
I have found that the easiest way to get your feet wet with thegrep commandis to just dive right in and use some real-world examples. 1. Search and Find Files in Linux Let’s say that you have just installed a fresh copy of the new Ubuntu on your machine and that you are going ...
To use a different shell, use the following syntax: su -s [shell] [username] For example, switch to theuser1in Z shell with: su -s /usr/bin/zsh user1 The current user in Z shell isuser1, as verified by thewhoamicommand output, ...
The lp command in Linux provides an option to specify the border of the page. Use -o page-border=value with lp command. The value of the page-border can be single, double, single-thick, or double-thick. Let’s have a look at the command below: ...
As you notice above that the ‘&’ sign can do the job of sending a process to the background too. So what’s the use of the bg command then? The major difference is that the bg command in Linux can be used on processes that are already running on the foreground. The ‘&’ sign...