I have been getting the question more often lately on how to use LaTex Formulas in LibreOffice. I have even seem some folks suggesting to drop Libre Office just because they don’t see how to do that. I just wanted to highlight how you can work around this and use LaTex in Libra Offi...
How to build a website like Toptal Toptal is an exclusive network of the top freelance software developers, designers, finance experts, product managers, and project managers in the world. Discover the steps to create your own elite freelance platform akin to Toptal. ...
There are many reasons why this may be beneficial to you. For example, you may have a Windows workstation and want to develop on Windows, but your code will eventually run on Linux. You may need more RAM or processing power than your current machine has available, ...
Metasploit is a widely used penetration testing tool that makes hacking way easier than it used to be. It has become an indispensable tool for both red team and blue team.
Free or open source software are common tools that everybody can use and customise at its convenience to create in-house applications. Using and customising free software is not sufficient to ensure that this in-house application will be maintainable at mid or long term. This paper draws lesson...
To remove a package, use the following command: sudoapk del<package name> Likesudo apk add, this command accepts several packages. Upgrade or downgrade packages To upgrade a package to the latest version, run apkadd-u<package name>
Here are a few frequently asked questions about converting Excel to PDF using Node.js. How do I convert an Excel (XLS/XLSX) file to PDF using Node.js? You can use the libreoffice-convert package to convert Excel files by reading the file, converting it with libre.convertAsync, and saving...
Recently, Docker added a new command to Docker CLI.docker sbom. We can use this command to create a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) for any container image. Another great capability when it comes to shift-left security. This post explains why you should want to have SBOMs for all the...
IMPORTANT:Ensure the prefix i.e. ‘/usr/local’ you use is different from that used by your Linux distribution otherwise you will overwrite the default Python 3 installation! Optional:You can make some of your modules a permanent part of the Python interpreter. To do so, simply modify the ...
Which Freeware Apps Do You Use Every Day? I'm happy to pay for a good product. Buy once, cry once, and all that. But the slow transition towards subscription-based software licensing is a plague on my wallet and my psyche. Apps that used to be a one-time purchase have been replace...