After opening a subkey (don't forget true! as it give you permission to delete), we can use the autoshell in order to change any value in the following subkey.5- Hints to use registry with VB.netWe can count the values in a hiveMy.Computer.Registry.CurrentUser.ValueCount.ToStrin...
Another way to check whether a file is in use is to call the CreateFile API. If a file is in use, the handle return is invalid. prettyprint 复制 [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)] private static extern SafeFileHandle CreateFile(string lpFileNam...
The Progress Bar region of the Visual Studio status bar displays the incremental progress of quick operations, for example, saving a file to disk.To use the Progress Bar region of the Visual Studio status barObtain an instance of the IVsStatusbar interface, which is made available through the...
We have added few labels to display the status in numerical and readable format.As shown in above figure, you can see that when user clicks Progress button, ProgressBar will be incremented by Value property set for user control.If (ViewState.Item("PBValue") Is Nothing) ThenViewState.Add("...
Use a class (object) from outside of VBA project Use a type library for Office from Visual C++.NET Use early binding and late binding in Automation Use Office Web Components using ASP.NET Use VB ActiveX for Word from Internet Explorer Use VB to count occurrences in Excel...
Compile Error in VBA macro Declare the return type explicitly in 64-bit macro Display progress bar with user form in Excel Emails move to the Junk E-mail folder when SCL value is -1 Embed and automate documents with VB Encode attachment using Visual C# in...
Compile Error in VBA macro Declare the return type explicitly in 64-bit macro Display progress bar with user form in Excel Emails move to the Junk E-mail folder when SCL value is -1 Embed and automate documents with VB Encode attachment using Visual C# in InfoPath 2003 ...
In this article, we will demonstrate how to create a Progress Doughnut Chart to show the percentage of progression of a task in Excel. To demonstrate the method, we will use a simple dataset containing information about what percentage of a task is completed. ...
How to use a custom file to pass OEM info How to create a custom data source Working with File Pickers Working with files in OneDrive Transferring a file from a network resource Sharing and exchanging data Encrypting data and working with certificates ...
Re: how to use BeginTrans, CommitTrans, & RollBackTrans? I don't know anything UNIX related, but this is (sortof) what it will look like in vb: VB Code: On Error Goto Error_Handler oConn.BeginTrans '// funny statement goes here sSQL = "... statement ..." oConn.Execu...