Once you gain access to Dr. Lane’s computer, open the folder calledProject Dominion. Read through the notes to learn Infinity’s plans with the internal neuroamp. They have been conducting unauthorized human trials to perfect the product, and it has killed several innocents. Reading this file...
Use the elevator to reach theoperations floorand head for Imogene’s office. You’ll find Yuko waiting in front of the office; speak to her to know more about Imogene’s last known location. Yuko informs that she last saw Imogene at Frankie’s Grab and Go food stall, which also holds ...
In Starfield you can steal Spaceships. This adds them to your fleet. Before you can modify stolen spaceships they need to be registered by paying a fee at a Ship Service Technician, found at the landing pad of major cities like New Atlantis. Method 1: Free Roam Planets for Ship Landing S...
How to Solve Temple Eta Puzzle in Starfield The Temple Eta puzzle revolves around stopping the three rings from spinning within one another. As you enter the Temple Eta, you will witness the rings and the game will just leave you to discover the solution to stop the rings. Now, to solve...
Starfield isn't just locked to Xbox Series X/S. These are some of the other ways you can play Microsoft's big new exclusive without a new console.
Starfield and the DLC Complete the mission One Small Step Bethesda How to start the Shattered Space DLC Once you've bought and downloaded the Shattered Space DLC, you are ready to begin. Step 1: On a new or existing save file, make sure you've completed the mission called One Small...
Starfieldhas been released lately and is a huge deal for the industry — with this being the first original IP from Bethesda in years, and taking the fantasy developer to the realm of the sci-fi. With that said, if you’re hoping that this would be a bold new world for the studio, ...
ALSO READ:Starfield: Should You Be Starborn or Return To Universe (One Giant Leap) After doing it, go back to the Steam Library and return to the Properties tab. This time, choose theGeneralcategory and scroll down to ‘LAUNCHOPTIONS‘ ...
Starfield offers a variety of customizable powers, but not all of them are worth pursuing. Some powers are game-changing, while others are a waste of time and won't be used. The Precognition power is highly limited and difficult to use effectively. It allows the player to visualize future...
Saints Row XP and level up fast techniques are worth knowing, as they allow you to gain cool new powers, perks, and abilities to inflict on your enemies. Farming XP isn't easily done in Saints Row, but some methods are definitely faster than others, generally those based around objective ...