Our floor was in great condition, but this is also the step where you’ll want to fill or repair any cracks (using a product likethis crack repair sealantorthis more pourable concrete filler). You may also need to use adegreaseror paint stripper to remove any stick residue that’s been...
Anytime I got a whiff of an odor, all I did was drop one of those packs in the disposal and the smell was GONE! Plus the blue foam bubbling through the sink was amusing to watch." —VadersGirl Advertisement 8. Wipe up the sticky, dusty buildup that gathers on your range hood and...
Anytime I got a whiff of an odor, all I did was drop one of those packs in the disposal and the smell was GONE! Plus the blue foam bubbling through the sink was amusing to watch." —VadersGirl Advertisement 8. Wipe up the sticky, dusty buildup that gathers on your range hood and...