I'd like to setup VSCode MS Python extension that when entering a folder (root dir of python only project, e.g. a Python package) which contains a pipenv Pipfile the corresponding Python interpreter and environment shall be used. In case a folder contains a poetry pyproj...
Poetry makes a compelling case as the recommended tool for package and dependency management. It makes more complex application development easier; thepyproject.tomlandpoetry.lockcan be committed to version control and shared with other project developers, enabling reproducible builds and homogenous depende...
Breadcrumbs cohere-toolkit-with-openai /docs / how_to_guides.mdTop File metadata and controls Preview Code Blame 75 lines (49 loc) · 3.66 KB Raw How-To Guides How to Use Community Features By default, the toolkit operates without community tools or deployments. To enable them, add the ...
me@PF2DCSXD:~$ls-a . .bash_history .bashrc .config .gitconfig .landscape .motd_shown .profile .sudo_as_admin_successful .vscode-server-server'=0.0.7'miniconda.sh .. .bash_logout .cache .git-credentials .keras .local.poetry .ssh .vscode-server .wget-hsts Anaconda3 nltk_data me@PF2...
Or ask it to interpret data/research. Ensure you check the responses for accuracy, though. Get creative: if you’re searching for inspiration, Auto-GPT is your new BFF. Use it as a creative powerhouse for spinning narratives, crafting poetry, character development, and outlines. It can even...