Well-draining soil, together with thecorrect watering methodsprevent some of the diseases that they are prone to. Climate and Temperature Dry, hot climates are best suited for growing this plant. Blue globe thistle grows in a range of climates underUSDA zones 3-9, but they prefer and grow ...
rake through the roots with your fingers to untangle them and spread them apart. Place the plant in the hole and fill in the soil, tamping it down as you work. If planting multiple seedlings, space them approximately 16 to 24 inches apart. Water thoroughly and keep watering your new plant...
Zucchini is a vigorous grower.While each plant will produce several squash during peak season, you’ll typically find that one or two zucchini plants will produce a “bumper” (unusually large) crop, leaving you to give the squash away to neighbors or bake lots of zucchini bread! Image: Alv...
Plantmedium- to low-height dahlias, usually in the 3-foot tall range, among other summer flowers. Set them 2 feet apart. Plant thesmallest bedding dahlias, grown from seed, 9 to 12 inches apart. Start by digging a 6- to 8-inch deep hole to plant the tubers. It also helps to mix...
Watering Techniques for Outdoor Chrysanthemum When you first plant your chrysanthemum, you want it completely soaked to about 5 inches down. When you only give your plant regular light sprinklings, roots may not form properly. Always apply water directly to the soil, avoiding splatters on the fo...
In their second year, root systems are still developing, so continue to water regularly if rainfall isn’t enough. Once established, they’re quite drought tolerant and only need extra watering during dry spells. Water at the base of the plant to keep the foliage dry and conserve moisture ...
Never use neem oil on air plants. The oil creates a barrier on the leaves that prevents the plant from absorbing water. Most air plant problems stem from improper care. If your air plant feels mushy, has dark spots on the base, or is starting to fall apart, it may be suffering from ...
Large globes of flowers cover this shrub in summer and spring. Although their appearance may seem high maintenance, with the right conditions and care, hydrangeas are actually fairly easy to grow. So grab your garden gloves, because our growing hydrangeas guide will have you ready to plant in ...
Aphidsare sap-sucking insects that sometimes prey on radishes. They are of concern because they spread plant diseases. Again, use a floating row cover to keep this pest at bay. Radishes can be subjected to a number of diseases, including, but not limited to,Alternaria,white rust,root rotand...
When to Plant Chrysanthemums? Planting chrysanthemum in the spring gives the perennial plant time to establish and adapt to its new garden home. You’ll easily find mums in garden centers and nurseries in both fall and spring, but planning ahead is key to successful planting. It’s tempting ...