How are we supposed to deal make static split-outputs such that pkg-config still finds them? Similarly, if you use curl.override { zlib = zlib.static }, then because that zlib.static is put into curl's propagatedBuildInputs (and .static doesn't seem to have an automatic "fallback" to...
To check thePKG_CONFIG_PATHvalue use this command: echo$PKG_CONFIG_PATH To set thePKG_CONFIG_PATHvalue use: exportPKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/pkgconfig or exportPKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
the package that you need to install is called pkgconf, not pkg-config. pkgconf is an alternative implementation of pkg-config. It was added as a port, and it can fill the gap. But it is not what vcpkg would use in the first place. Note that you would normally need the tool for ...
(even if you set PKG_CONFIG_PATH). Set this variable to the directory that contains target .pc files for pkg-config to function correctly when cross-compiling or use -pkg-config to override this test. Note: PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR automatically set to /mnt/rasp-pi-rootfs Could not ...
Step #3: the cross-compiler tool-chain seems to be a little bit confused aboutstripreal name: this simple trick seems to definitively resolve any related issue. cp /mingw/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip.exe /mingw/bin/strip.exe Preparing to usePKG-CONFIG: ...
To find the PID of a service daemon, you need to use ps or some other mechanism specific to the service. In contrast, Upstart and systemd can manage individual service daemons from the beginning, giving the user more power and insight into exactly what is running on the system systemd和...
Since we have a fresh installation of Ubuntu 20.04, we need to update the packages to the latest versions available: sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y 1. Step 2. Install Apache2 We are going to use Apache as a web server in this tutorial. To install it execute the command ...
to use a quorum device that is not a shared disk, you must instead use clsetup(1M) to manually configure quorum once both nodes have joined the cluster for the first time. Do you want to disable automatic quorum device selection (yes/no) [no]?
预览地址 Live 简介 你好,我是 i5ting ,江湖人称「狼叔」,目前是阿里巴巴技术专家,斯达克学院( StuQ )明星讲师, Node.js 技术布道者。曾就职于去哪儿、新浪、网秦,做过前端、后端、数据分析,是一名全栈技术的实践者。 现在,越来越多的科技公司和开发者...
After installing the Oracle VM Server for SPARC software, reconfigure the current system to become the control domain. Perform the following actions on each physical server: 1. Create a virtual console concentrator (vcc) service for use by the virtual network terminal server daemon (vntsd) and ...