Icon=scripts-app2 Categories=PackageManager;GTK; Then you have to refresh you lxpanel by loggin out and in again or by killing it and restarting it. Code: killall lxpanel lxpanel To complete you can use alacarte to hide/show your categories/sub-categories/elements I...
scripts/ansible: Evaluate upstream piwheels / cryptography fix on "32-bit" RasPiOS 12 Lite [pinning to cryptography 40.0.1 no longer nec!] [create /etc/pip.conf missing from RasPiOS as nec, to avoid cffi glitch]#3632 Merged sudo sed -i 's/bullseye/bookworm/g' /etc/apt/sources.list ...
The problem is that IServiceScopeFactory is not found when attempting to create my service. How can i register IServiceScopeFactory during startup? Currently, my Startup.cs looks like this https://pastebin.com/aGaAhtVD P.s. I also use SimpleInjector in my app. All replies (5) Thursday,...
https://pastebin.com/HeuwRuj3 I’m using a static page (not the shop page) and it’s working so nice. With a little CSS adaptation, it’s a whaooo effect ;) Thank you so much! PS. The custom taxonomy to fix to the slider location field is also very useful indeed. Olaf Lederer...
FROM composer WORKDIR /var/www/html ENTRYPOINT [ "composer", "--ignore-platform-req", "--no-scripts" ] each time I run: docker-compose run --rm composer create-project laravel/laravel . the files are created by root so I can't modify them on my host machine. How do I run the ...
Open a command or Powershell window, change to the above build folder, and run the build_all.bat batch file. Ideally, redirect the build process output to a log file so you can check for errors. If using Powershell, you can use the tee command, viz: Code: C:\Development\Apache24\...
/Due to recent changes in the base module structure this step by step guide is now out of date. I'd recommend doing the following at a terminal: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lukebranch/openerp-install-scripts/master/odoo-saas4/ubuntu-14-04/odo
If you are using Python 2.7 I strongly recommend that you installvirtualenvand learn how to use it. Virtualenv makes it possible to create isolated Python environments. If you are using Python 3.3+ then you don’t need virtualenv because that functionality is already built in. ...
If you can share your loop with me, I’ll help out. Link to a gist or pastebin to share the code, please don’t paste it in the comments it may get messed up. Reply pupuse· 10 years ago Hi AJ Clarke, Thank you very much for the code. But I only get the same posts on pag...
// include css to help style our custom meta boxes add_action('init','my_metabox_styles'); functionmy_metabox_styles() { if( is_admin() ) { wp_enqueue_style('wpalchemy-metabox', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() .'/metaboxes/meta.css'); ...