You can still do that if you want to, but you'll need to make sure the variables in OpenFOAM's bashrc are consistent. I wouldn't suggest that. You can use foamInstall=$HOME/$WM_PROJECT, or, if you really need the version number, use foamInstall=$HOME/$WM_PROJECT$WM_PROJECT...
Hello. I tried to install CGNS 2.5 under windows xp following the steps suggested by CGNS file README, but it was not successful since some errors
FAST v7 and v8 can be downloaded from the NREL website and are ready to use as I will describe (without the need to be compiled). OpenFAST, however, needs to be installed according to one of the methods in
I have to push this to my personal Docker Hub account to aPRIVATE repo. I will try to see if AMD will allow this onour PUBLIC repo. You could skip pushing to Docker Hub if you cannot create a private repo. Then just maintain this container on your l...
During OpenFOAM install (shown here:, Step 8 creates a similar alias. Maybe, that is the way to go. I am not sure. Star is usually named Star-CCM+ with a version number attached to it the containing folder. You should be able...
Re: How to use user defined Subroutine #2 Harry Guest Posts: n/a if you understand programming in C, it's possible. for a better look, please try this website for Dos/
hi everyone ansys 19.0 stuck on 95% in the setup (instalation) when i try to install it on ubuntu 18.04 ,when i check the install.err file it say this
There is more than one ".OpenFOAM" in theparaFoamscriptYou'll have to change them all! edit: Then use: Code: paraFoam -touch to generate the ".foam" file,but onlyif you intend to open it from another ParaView, instead of usingparaFoamto open it directly in ParaView. ...
Newly I have installed Windows XP in my computer. I can not use the old X-windows program more, because its version doesn't support the XP. I have downloaded X-Win32 from internet for free, but it can be used only for 30 minutes. Should I buy the X-win32 program or is there any...
4. I tried to export grids in NASTRAN format. The output windows say warning like "cell # is pyramid. Pyramid cannot be translated. I use tetrahedal cells with sublayer. November 9, 2004, 05:01 Re: How to convert STAR mesh into FLUENT mesh ?