The OData Client itself is already available in SAP S/4HANA 1709 and thus also in later releases of SAP S/4HANA. The tricky thing in using this useful feature in SAP S/4HANA so far is, that it requires you to build an appopriate OData V4 model provider class that fits to the ODat...
I am trying to do some example chart just for learning of HANA and UI5. I faced the issue when I am trying to bind oData data to Bar chart. When I open the webpage the chart area just says no data. The chart code itself seem to be ok because if I use simple example data inste...
Hello Developers, Well, I heard a lot about SAP Web IDE and thought of getting my hands dirty. Here, I am trying to use OData service exposed via Integration Gateway (on
I would like to pass the name as a query filter. an I am not sure how to do this. Should it be like this: https://.../service/getdetails?$filter=Name.firstname eq 'John' and Name.Lastname eq 'Smith' My second question is how do I retireve this filter in the get_entity_s...
As a side note, the sap.ui.model.odata.v2.ODataModel.getData method is deprecated and you should use .getProperty instead. You can create a JSONModel local to your current view, and call setData on it after you get the data from the ODataModel: onInit: function() { // you other ...
How to set OData annotations: sap:display-format and sap:filter-restriction? Former Member on 2015 Jul 23 0 Kudos 4,507 SAP Managed Tags: SAP Gateway Hi everyone. I am building a Gateway project in the Gateway Service Builder (SEGW). I would like to assign values to the ...
To connect to a SAP (via OData) endpoint from the App Connect Designer Catalog page for the first time, expand SAP (via OData), then click Connect. For more information, see Managing accounts. Tip: Before you use the account that is created in App Connect in a flow, rename the accoun...
SAP Fiori, SAP Fiori tools Dear Experts, Due to certain requirements, I cannot use smart table control for table data, so I use Grid table / Responsive Table, and I need to add a value help for a row field using a standard or addon cds view / odata serv...
Hello experts, I am trying to consume oDATA service in ABAP client. I've created a Project in SAP NWG Service Builder, maintained and activated service in SAP System 1
7.Click on Installation Details. In the installation software tab, you should be able to see the OData Modeler. We are done with installation of OData Modeler. In our next tutorial, we will model and create OData services using OData Modeler and how to use these OData services in SAPUI5/...