If you’re looking for a down-to-earth introduction to Obsidian in a bit more depth than this guide, my self-paced courseObsidian for Minimalists: A Practical Introduction to Obsidian Notes for Busy Peopleis now available for purchase. Getting started with Obsidian: how to create a note taki...
对于卢曼笔记法的应用和研究成果很多,甚至有人将笔记法的基本逻辑应用到Obsidian中,取得了良好的效果,虽然在Sonke的《How to take smark notes》中,作者建议采用Zotero和Zettlekasten。我无意去比较工具孰优孰劣,毕竟卢曼本人的时代还没有这么先进的工具呢,依然凭借纸质记录和木质滑箱(slip-box)产出了大量的知识成果,...
5. Use Obsidian In Another DevicesNow, all you need is download Obsidian and Github for Desktop on other computer, clone the depository that you have just created, and do step 1 to 4 to setup Git and Obisidian Git. Your computers will be synced automatically....
Obsidian and I only use it on my mobile devices. On my laptops, I just keep the vault in my Dropbox folder and that’s enough. If you do this, just remember to have your cloud app keep the vault folder locally on your computer and not use the on-demand storage feature for this ...
Minecraft will automatically set itself to the current version for ease of use, but sometimes y In these interests:GamingMinecraftPop CultureTechnology How to Sync your Obsidian Vault for Free! I am a huge fan of Obisdian, the free and open-source tool for all your note-taking needs. Obsi...
Obsidian is renowned for its innovative, intuitive approach to note-taking. However, if you’ve ever tried adding images to your Obsidian notes, you may
看完《How to smart note》这本书,对于Permanent Note, 我还是有些疑问,所以在网上搜索了其他文章帮助理解。在Stop Taking Regular Notes; Use a Zettelkasten Instead这篇文章里,作者提出了自己写permanent note的两个标准,可以借鉴: Is this an idea I would explore further and apply in my work/writing? Or...
I found a secret message of encouragement from my past self that only I knew how to decipher Nov 11 John Pucay in The Writing Cooperative 2d ago My Step by Step Process to Create a Permanent Note in Zettelkasten I’ll show you how it works in practice, using the text editor Obsidian...
How to Use ABCjs in Obsidian Using the ABC Music Notation plugin in Obsidian is simple. However, likewriting math notations in Obsidian, it takes some getting used to. If you’ve used ABC notation or ABCjs before, it will be easy, as the process in Obsidian is the same. To get start...
Google Docs Is Chock Full of Tools to Improve Your Writing Sometimes, creating high-quality work calls for much more than a simple dictionary tool. And if you need more help, Google Docs offers so many other tools and add-ons that you're sure to find what you're looking for....