-Make Better Notes by Linking Your Thinking -Obsidian 844 -- 8:59 App Obsidian 白板_2 303 -- 7:18 App 6.3 初学者/新手/小白 Obsidian 8 Key Settings How to Use the Obsidian for Notes 352 -- 10:08 App 6.2 初学者/新手/小白-6 Keys to Markdown-How to Use the Obsidian for Notes ...
接下来播放 自动连播 6.2 初学者/新手/小白-6 Keys to Markdown-How to Use the Obsidian for Notes 知行合一不多bb 371 0 B站年度科学盛事!2024bilibili超级科学晚重磅来袭 科学证明存在!>> Obsidian 白板_2 知行合一不多bb 861 0 怎么通过链接来做更好的笔记Lesson2?-Make Better Notes by Linking ...
You can use the graph view in Obsidian to visualize your entire vault or parts of it. Organization and visualization together can boost your productivity by making your note-taking efficient. Now that you know the basics of using Obsidian, it's time to lay down the first brick and start bu...
It transforms your boring Markdown notes into a dynamic, interactive map, so that in one glance you can identify relationships, explore patterns, and navigate your personal wiki. Here’s how to use the Graph view in Obsidian to turn chaos into clarity. Related How to use Obsidian to create ...
You can use Obsidian to take notes, create a PKM (Personal Knowledge Management) system, outline ideas on a giant whiteboard, and collect information for research purposes. Among its many possibilities, I use Obsidian as a digital journal. Continue reading if you may want to replicate the same...
Transforming Workflows With Obsidian AI Plug-Ins Both the Text Generator and Smart Connections plug-ins use generative AI in compelling ways. For example, imagine a user wants to plan a vacation to the fictitious destination of Lunar City and brainstorm ideas for what to do there. The user wo...
However, the dictionary tool is one of our favorites. You can use it to look up definitions, find synonyms, figure out the spelling of a word, and more. Plus, the dictionary tool is super simple to use by following these steps:
Obsidian is free to use (unfortunately not open source). The data is stored in Markdown files locally on the disk. So the data is mine, Markdown is still readable with a normal text editor even without Obsidian and is really easy to learn. So all around, it's a tool that supports ...
Obsidian features that I don’t use There are a lot of features that I don’t use: I don’t use the 'graph view’ at all. It’s fun to look at it, but I’ve never found it, or any other graph view, useful, ever? I’vewritten about this before, how some of these 'second...
- /volume1/docker/obsidian/vaults:/vaults:rw - /volume1/docker/obsidian/config:/config:rw environment: PUID:1026PGID:100TZ:Europe/BucharestDOCKER_MODS: linuxserver/mods:universal-git restart: on-failure:5CLICK TO COPY 🐋 Note: Before you paste the code above in the Web editor area below...