OBS Studio provides you with settings options to stream your videos and events on more than 30 streaming platforms. Moreover, it offers a drop-down list to live stream your content directly on the selected platforms such as Twitch, Facebook Live, and YouTube. Here is the procedure to ...
Added a draft for the YouTube integration in OBS Studio. Please note that this guide is still missing images and also explanations for account verification ect. It might take some time until I can finish this up so I decided to post what I have for now. ...
If you are using OBS (short for Open Broadcaster Software) for the first time, you might find it a bit complicated. In simple words, OBS is an encoder that digitizes videos and sends them to YouTube to be live-streamed to your viewers. OBS is not the only encoder out there, you al...
Hi, I am new to OBS and to this forum, trying to find my way around. We have used Xsplit for a couple years now and now we are trying to make the plunge into OBS, for a number of reasons. Context: e stream using Xsplit to Restream and from there to Facebook, YouTube, and ...
Need to know how to capture YouTube videos? Find out in our comprehensive guide! Record YouTube videos in no time with these simple instructions and tips!
encoder converts your recording into streamable content for the web. You’ll need an encoder only if you stream with external tools, such as professional audio and video gear (more on that later).Streamlabs OBSis a popular, easy-to-download and user-friendly encoding software for YouTube ...
One of the best tools for streaming your games on YouTube or Twitch is Open Broadcast Studio. If you want toget started with streaming yourselfto fans worldwide, OBS is a great entryway. Learning how to use OBS, however, is a journey unto itself. You’ll want to be familiar with the...
Common FPS Value:By default, OBS Studio captures video at 60 FPS, which is enough for uploading and streaming. That being said, if you want to capture gameplay in 120 FPS, repeat the following steps: Step 1:Click on the arrow icon and select theInteger FPS Valueoption. ...
OBS Studio is an entirely free open-source online broadcasting application. Thanks to this software, users can easily screen-record what’s happening on their computers and live-stream it to other platforms. It’s also incrediblysimple to set up and start streaming, regardless of whether you’re...
Using OBS Studio for YouTube Streaming As we have seen, there are multiple ways you can go about streaming on YouTube, but one of the most common methods is to use OBS Studio. Its low price (free) undoubtedly contributes to its popularity. Also, it happily works with overlays, alerts, ...