Go to the Service drop-down and select YouTube/YouTube Gaming. Copy the stream key from YouTube and paste it into the stream key bar in OBS Studio. Click OK to complete the process.As you have successfully connected your OBS Studio to YouTube, you are good to go live to your audience...
which stands for Streamlabs OBS. Since OBS Studio is a GPL-licensed, open-source project, Streamlabs forked the software and enhanced it to fit their own specific needs. The app is still free, but has premium add-ons and themes you can purchase to use. In most ways, it’s just as ...
Step 4:In theStream Keyfield, type or paste your YouTube stream key. That links OBS with YouTube so the software streams straight to your channel. Step 5:ClickAudioon the left-hand menu. Each audio device on that page represents one potential audio source in your livestream. If you want...
Added a draft for the YouTube integration in OBS Studio. Please note that this guide is still missing images and also explanations for account verification ect. It might take some time until I can finish this up so I decided to post what I have for now. ...
Everything to know about YouTube Live. Learn how to live stream on YouTube with instructions, tips and insights on features and ways to promote your live stream.
OBS Studio is an entirely free open-source online broadcasting application. Thanks to this software, users can easily screen-record what’s happening on their computers and live-stream it to other platforms. It’s also incrediblysimple to set up and start streaming, regardless of whether you’re...
Hi, I am new to OBS and to this forum, trying to find my way around. We have used Xsplit for a couple years now and now we are trying to make the plunge into OBS, for a number of reasons. Context: e stream using Xsplit to Restream and from there to Facebook, YouTube, and ...
OBS Studiois a good streaming software encoder option for broadcasters new to streaming videos because it’s easy to use and free. However, pro-level RTMP-enabled encoders likeWirecast ProandvMixare better options in terms of features and quality. Please note that paidencoding softwarepackages usu...
sends them to YouTube to be live-streamed to your viewers. OBS is not the only encoder out there, you also have Wirecast, Stage Ten, Streamlabs OBS, and much more. However,OBSis the most popular encoder for going live on YouTube. We use OBS for ourSNL with TechWiser live streamtoo...
1. Don’t Use 1080p 60FPS There are two problems introduced by broadcasting at 1080p 60FPS: 1. OBS Studio is having to use more resources to capture your gameplay and 2. the bitrate required to stream at this quality is approximately 12,000 Kbps, currently twice the limits imposed by ...