Geosoft-Oasis montaj应用--How-To_Filter_A_Voxel Oasis montaj How-To Guide 3D Voxel Utilities-Filter a Voxel
In Target and Oasis montaj, sometimes you need to create a polygon file for windowing (i.e. windowing a grid to a polygon to make a new smaller grid) or masking (i.e. applying to mask to a database channel, or hiding a map group outside a polygon boundar
Geosoft provides sample data for you to use when working through these How-To Guides.These data files can be found in your "...\Geosoft\resourcefiles\data\gravity"folder.Set Project Information When you begin a new gravity project,you may want to include information about the project with ...
Geosoft Oasis montaj A TIF file may also be a TIFF-compliant geospatial image created in the GeoTIFF format. It contains geographic or cartographic data embedded as tags within the file. TIF files allow users to embed GIS data without deviating from the TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) format...
Used by Intergraph GeoMedia—Discontinued Configuration file that stores user settings, legends, warehouse connections, and other preferences for GeoMedia; has a default coordinate system assigned to it, which can be changed by opening the GeoWorkspace Coordinate System dialog box. ...