ns2 IN A @ IN A IMPORTANT:Do not forget to change the domain namenctest.infoand the IP address1.2.3.4to the necessary values. TheSerial numbershould be changed according to the current date in a formatYYYYMMDDXX, whereXXrepresents the number of the...
I’m always logged in as native Administrator – no other users present. What I tried next was to navigate to that folder through my Linux machine (cifs mounted filesystem), but got “permission denied” error there as well, even with the magic command: sudorm-rf /media/windows/cygwin He...
Windows SharePoint Services Transport Properties dialog box. By default, the configuration specified in the Windows SharePoint Services Transport Properties dialog box takes precedence over the configuration properties specified in the context properties. In order to use the configuration spe...
NS1PrefixandNS2Prefix: Represents the first part of your custom nameservers, where you can simply fill in these two fields with “ns1” and “ns2”. AdditionalInformation: If you want to log in to the VM without using a password, you can enter your public key in the OpenSSH format (e....
Some registrars will allow you to specify the same IP for both hosts, but that isn't recommended since you would not have redundancy in your internet name resolution strategy. Once you create your zone on your DNS server, you would have to create A records for ns1 and ns2 as well....
Use thenanocommand to create a new zone file for your domain. Replacedomain.tldwith your domain name: nano domain.tld Enter the following snippet and replace the placeholder with your VPS IP address: ; ; BIND data file for domain.tld ; $TTL 3h @ IN SOA ns1.domain.tld. admin.domain....
53429 ns2e.census.gov:domain TIME_WAIT tcp6 0 0 rtr0.kc9rg.org:39526 gabrielle.kc9rg.org:ssh ESTABLISHED tcp6 0 0 rtr0.kc9rg.org:59199 ns-e.noaa.gov:domain TIME_WAIT tcp6 0 0 rtr0.kc9rg.org:55217 b.root-servers.n:domain TIME_WAIT tcp6 0 0 rtr0.kc9rg.org:42749 b.root-...
If you have no idea where to get the information, contact your web host and ask them for the "DNS servers" or "name servers" to use for your domain. The list of name servers will often look like ns1.example.com, ns2.example.com, and so on, where "example.com" will probably ...
Let’s take a simple example: you’re trying to clone an existing repository, which was created by someone else. The repository had already been filled out with files you need. Assuming you have credentials in place, you run git clone <repo’s url> on your Windows machine and get the ...
ns2Secondary nameserverns2.nyc2.example.com The puppet agent will be installed on all of these hosts. These hosts will be referenced by their private network interfaces, which are mapped to the “.nyc2.example.com” subdomain in DNS. This is the same infrastructure that is described ...