Sönke Ahrens在这本书里说Luhmann,在30年里,出版了58本书,几百篇论文,其中不包括他的翻译作品。©How to Take Smart Notes但是在其他资料上显示,Luhmann一共出版了70多本书,将近400篇论文。不管哪个是准确数据,Luhmann的产量无疑是惊人的。 在他去世后,他的Zettelkasten 【德语:Zettelkasten,英语:Slip-box,中...
Before we can import our Notion data into Obsidian, the first step is to create a file consisting of all our Notion data in a format that can be read by other apps. Thankfully, Notion allows users to export data natively in an HTML format. Let's use this ability to create a file th...
I like to use Notion to keep track of everything from projects to notes to resources. That way, my brain has less background noise and feels clear enough to focus on what's right in front of me. I also have a place to easily dump websites that catch my eye so I can dig deeper...
How to use Otter.ai to take voice notes Otter works for voice recording too. For example, I started "writing" a few first drafts using my voice. I like it because it lets my hands rest, allows me to talk out ideas I wouldn't probably write, and I can skip directly to editing. Ta...
Notes can’t fetch your notes based on a word or phrase from the middle of a note. Toggle offUse Note Title as Name. Enter the hyperlink label you want to use in theOptionaltext box. TapDone. Further, you can insert hyperlinks, just like you do on websites. ...
How to Use iPads to Take Notes If you are wondering how to take notes on an iPad, you are in the right place. Believe it or not, your iPad is equipped with everything you need to create stunning notes and take your revision game to the next level. Digital stickers, notebooks, fonts...
I used to have over 20 properties in my Library. ‘Cause you never know what you’re gonna need one day, right? I have since moved away from this philosophy. I deleted tons of the properties and kept only the ones that I knew I was going to use. Since Notion is flexible, I can ...
How to contribute to GitLab's all-remote guides How to create the perfect home office setup for remote working How to embrace asynchronous communication for remote work How to evaluate a remote job How to repurpose office space in a remote world How to use forcing functions to work ...
Notes vs. Notion: Which App Is Better for Taking Notes? 6 Tips for Taking Smarter Notes on Your iPad 15 Essential Safari Extensions for Mac in 2023 Getting a Message to Update Apple ID Settings on iPhone, iPad, or Mac? Widgets Not Working on Mac? How to Fix ...
How to use camera memory cards: final words Now that you’ve finished this article, you know how to take care of your memory cards – and you’re well-equipped to prevent common card errors. Bottom line: Having backup cards, organizing them effectively, transferring photos promptly, treating...