Step 3− Add the following code to src/MainActivity.;;;;importandroid.content.Intent;importandroid.os.Bundle;;importandro...
In the example below, we are going to use theNotificationManagerandNotificationclass to create and show the notification on the screen. To implement this in your program you will need to import in java file:;; ...
若要註冊推播通知,應用程式必須使用裝置註冊令牌在實例上CallAgent呼叫registerPushNotification()。 若要取得裝置註冊令牌,請在 區段中新增下列幾行,將 Firebase SDK 新增至應用程式模組的build.gradle檔案(如果這些行dependencies還不存在): groovy // Add the SDK for Firebase Cloud Messagingi...
Creating an app for both Android and iOS means thinking about how to make one app that fits two different sets of users. It’s about making sure that everyone, no matter what phone they use, gets a great experience from your app. ...
This may be the most obvious step, but I'm including it here anyway for easy access. Before you can actually use Android Studio, you'll need to download the appropriate version for your system. Follow the link below and download the appropriate file for your device. ...
How to enable USB Debugging on Android How to use ADB: Connection, commands, and more How to set up ADB on a computer: Windows, macOS, and Linux There are two ways to set up the ADB command line on your computer. The easiest way is to installAndroid Studio, which is primarily a dev...
Follow the steps below to integrate the In-App Chat SDK into your project: Create a new project. Open Android Studio and selectFile → New → Project. Enter the application name and choose the project location. It is advisable to leave everything else in its default settings. ClickNext,and...
How to set delay in android - In some cases, after some time we need to update on UI to solve this problem, In this example demonstrate how to set a delay in android.Step 1 − Create a new project in Android Studio, go to File ⇒ New Project and fill
In the example below, we are going to use the Activity and Service class to make and start the service, so that you can use it in the same screen. To implement this in your program you will need to import:android.content.Activity, your java file. ...
Congrats {name}, you've got a push notification! ...and this for content: 1 Courier templates accept variables inside curly braces. In this example, we use the "name" value from the Segment event and to populate the name field above 💡. ...