You get a little success, and all of a sudden the fear stops you dead in your path. Writer's block arises almost universally from performance anxiety, the fear that what you've made isn't good enough, the fear that who you are isn't good enough. To conquer anxiety, we try to be ...
But why? Why are they always so out-in-left-field-picking-the-daisies-and-otherwise-nonchalantly-soaking-up-the-sun? Because the people who write them are brought up by seedy looking parents who make them live in the basements of dirty houses where every day is Halloween. Okay, to a ...
the Fabula is the sequence of events the audience puts together as the story unfolds to make sense of it while the syuzhet is the story or plot itself. Many films use this technique in their form of storytelling, especially in those that ...
The roar of laughter that followed this sally caused the horses tethered to the machine-gun carriers to whinny in fright. Sereda glanced nonchalantly over his shoulder. "It's not your face but what you've got in here that counts." He tapped himself on the forehead expressively62. "Take ...