Non-clumping litters can be less expensive than clumping litter, making them a go-to option for many cat owners. As your cat continues to use his box, urine can pool at the bottom with non-clumping litter. To help manage odor, change the entire litter box as part of a weekly routine....
Clumping litter works best for this method of cleaning, and if you use non-clumping litter, you will need to remove all of that and replace it more often. A large, shallow litter box like a sweater box usually works great for cats to get in and out of and decreases the amount of lit...
as it can be aclumping cat litterthat makes waste removal a cinch for pet owners. For varying reasons — the dust levels, the slow biodegrading, and even because dogs like to munch on used clumping litter (eww) — sodium bentonite clay isn't the ...
Ingesting clumping litter may cause an intestinal blockage. Be sure to use a non-toxic litter and monitor use. Remove your kitten from the litter box if you see it's eating the litter—just be sure your kitten has finished its business first. Adult cats may also snack on litter if the...
If you use an absorbent (non-clumping) litter, it can be a little trickier to monitor, but you will still get used to the number and size of the pee areas in the litter tray each day. An increase in the amount your cat is urinating is called polyuria. A decrease in urine production...
The other type of cleaning is when you dump all litter, scrub out the box, and start over fresh with new litter. If you have a non-clumping cat litter, this is the only way to clean the cat box: remove the old litter plus urine and feces, and add fresh litter. If you use clumpi...
Quick ways to keep your cat’s litter tray clean How often should you change cat litter? The answer is daily. But you know it is tedious, especially if you live in a multicat home. Spend less time doing it with these tips: Choose the right litter. Non-clumping litter makes it easy ...
cats prefer a soft, sand-like texture to the litter. Scoopable clumping litter works well for this. While scented litter may be appealing to the human family members, they are often off-putting to the cats who must use the box. Choose unscented litter out of respect for your cat’s sens...
If you use clumping litter and have only one cat: change the litter once every two to three weeks. If you use non-clumping clay litter and have only one cat:change the litter twice a week. If you use clumping litter and have multiple cats:change the litter once a week. ...
Clumping litters offer a variety of products beyond the traditional scented and non-scented choices found with most granulated litters. Most cats prefer non-scented litter, an especially important point for owners who plan to use covered litter boxes. There are multi-cat formulas that form more ce...