"explicit value must be specified for identity column in table" error in SQL 2000 "FROM clause have the same exposed names. Use correlation names to distinguish them" "No transaction is active." error when trying to send a transactional SQL statment over MSDTC "Restricted data type attribute ...
id='+Convert(VARCHAR(10),A.ArticleId)AS'Url',A.ArticleName,A.ArticleId,A.CategoryId,C.CategoryName,ROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITION BY A.categoryId ORDER BY createdDate desc)RN FROM tbl_Article A WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tbl_Category C WITH(NOLOCK)ON A.CategoryId=C.CategoryId WHERE A.Cat...
so I know how to build a Dataflow pipeline for above query except one part. in where condition we used subquery like below SQL Copy WHERE c.CourseId in( select a.Id from [Lms.Core].[Courses] a (nolock) inner join [Lms.Core].[CatalogItems] b (nolock) on a.id=b.scopeId inne...
INNER JOIN [Technology].Receipe Ft WITH(NOLOCK) ON ft.featureid=f1.featureid AND ft.operatorid=1; select x.RecomendationId, CAST(STRING_AGG(cast(x.FeatureValue as varchar(300)) ,'|') WITHIN GROUP(ORDER BY x.FeatureId ASC)as varchar(300)) AS DiffFeatures ...
INNER JOIN ExtractReports.dbo.TPls pl WITH(NOLOCK) ON pl.ZPLID=[value] INNER JOIN Parts.TradeCodes FT WITH(NOLOCK) ON pt.PartID=ft.PartID AND FT.PartLevel=0 INNER JOIN ExtractReports.dbo.TPLNewData TN WITH(NOLOCK) ON TN.PartID = FT.PartID AND TN.CodeTypeID...
If you want to get the same list of wired audio streams in Lync 2013, you can use a query like below:SELECT*FROM [Session] s WITH (NOLOCK)INNER JOIN [MediaLine] AS m WITH (NOLOCK) ONm.ConferenceDateTime = s.ConferenceDateTime
2) Use #TempTable -Always try to create Temp tables using #TempTable Example Create table #MyInfoTempTable ( MyId INT, My_Name VARCHAR(50), My_Address VARCHAR(50) ) 3) Use (NOLOCK) -For better result & add flags like Is_deleted, Is_Active etc SELECT * FROM FROM Empploy...
INNER JOIN sys.database_files AS DFS WITH (NOLOCK) ON DIVFS.[file_id]= DFS.[file_id] ; Figure 5 – I/O Statistics by file one Database Using SQL Server to test storage performance. There are different methods you can use it to test and benchmark your storage subsystem like Microsof...
FROMsys.dm_os_enumerate_fixed_drivesWITH(NOLOCK); We also have a separate query that gives us the size and free space for all your logical drives that have any SQL Server database files on them, and this is useful information because you don’t want to run out of space, and also as...
"explicit value must be specified for identity column in table" error in SQL 2000 "FROM clause have the same exposed names. Use correlation names to distinguish them" "No transaction is active." error when trying to send a transactional SQL statment over MSDTC "Restricted data ...