Node packages are an elemental part of being a developer. The philosophy is to bring in only those libraries that you need, keeping things light and clean. A perfectly valid approach is to use commandline utilities to do this. I am personally always at a command prompt...
If you have an application folder open in VSC, use the Docker extension to automatically populate that folder with theDockerfileand other files necessary to create a Docker image. The following steps describe the procedure for creating Docker files for a Node.js app: 1. PressCtrl+Shift+Pto op...
I made a web app on Visual Studio Code and want to transfer the project to Visual Studio I don't plan to use c# and just do it using nodejs and expressjs I tried opening the "Open a project or solution" options but didn't see package.json...
Method 2: Install Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu with apt Another way to install VS Code is via the APT package manager. Follow the steps below to install VS Code using theapt command: Note:Read ourSnap vs. APTarticle to see how the Snap packaging system compares to the APT package manager...
The code of the editor is completely Open Source, and there’s no payment required to use it.It uses Electron as its base, which enables it to be cross platform and work on Mac, Windows and Linux. It’s built using Node.js, and you can extend it using JavaScript (which makes it a...
An existing codebase (if you need to get setup, you can follow "How to Setup a TypeScript + Node.js Project first and then come back to this article) An understanding of ESLint and a working configuration (see "How to use ESLint with TypeScript" for an example) Installing Prettier Fi...
This repository is an example of how to use NVM with Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VSCode). For more details see thecompanion blog post. Open this project up using VS Code and run it - you might need tochmod +x node.shto have the script be executable. You'll see that VS code will...
The code of the editor is completely Open Source, and there’s no payment required to use it. It usesElectronas its base, which enables it to be cross platform and work on Mac, Windows and Linux. It’s built usingNode.js, and you can extend it usingJavaScript(which makes it a win ...
Launch VS Code and create a new folder. Write in JS and name the file with the .js extension. Save the changes. Open a VS Code terminal. Type “cd yourdirectoryname” to navigate to the JavaScript code. If you want to check your code output, type “node yourfilename” and wait. ...
I haven't tried this, but I think you could technically dig into your ~/.vscode/extensions/ritwickdey.liveserver-<version>//node_modules/mime/types.json and edit the file to add the extension you want, but you'd need to redo this every time the extension updates. Even the...