Through command-line prompt Nmap, the tool provides multiple features such as exploring networks, finding open ports, ping sweeps, OS detection, and many more. This post is focusing on how to use the Nmap command in the terminal with detailed examples. Let’s check them one by one: How to...
Step 2:After getting all the supporting packages, use the wget (web get) command to download the Nmap source file from its official website. The wget command is specially used to pull files from the web. Command –wget (7.94 in the command represe...
How to use Nmap to scan a network (1:21- 2:49) Here I am in the command prompt, and I've got Nmap installed. There are a lot of different ways to run Nmap. So the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to check out the network around me. So I'm going to type Nmap...
How to Use Midnight Commander, a Visual File Manager How to Use Nmap for Network Scanning How to Use the ack Command on Linux How to Use the Date Command in Linux How to Use the Grep Command to Find Information in Files How to Use the lsmod and modinfo Commands in Linux Install...
Use the following command to clear thednsmasqDNS cache on your Linux machine: sudo killall -HUP dnsmasqCopy Alternatively, ifdnsmasqis running as a service, use the following command to clear the cache: sudo systemctl restart dnsmasqCopy
We'll use theumountcommand. Note there is no "n" in "umount." sudo umount /run/mount/dave/sata2 Withumount, no news is good news. If you're returned silently to the command prompt, we're good to go. sudo fsck /dev/sdb1
In the example above, you manually interacted with a web server on the network with telnet, using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) application layer protocol. Although you’d normally use a web browser to make this sort of connection, let’s take just one step up from telnet and use...
We type the following to start a screen session called "monitor": screen -S monitor At the command prompt in our new window session, we'lllaunchdmesgand use the-H(human-readable) and-w(wait for new messages) options. This willdisplay the kernel buffer messages; new messages will appear as...
Open a command-line interface or terminal. To test a specific port, use the following command: nmap -p<PortNumber><Hostname_or_IP> Scan Multiple Ports: You can also test multiple ports by separating them with commas or using a range with a hyphen. ...
Use the following command to ping a specific port with Nmap: nmap -p [port-number] [address]Copy The-poption specifies the port or port range you want to scan on the target address. For example, run the following: nmap -p 443 google.comCopy ...