(alias) isDevMode(): boolean import isDevMode Returns whether Angular is in development mode. By default, this is true, unless enableProdMode is invoked prior to calling this method or the application is built using the Angular CLI with the optimization option. angular ngrx ...
我的Angular 应用程序中有其他条件,我在其中使用状态管理器和rxjs,并且希望使代码更具可读性。 在不同的条件下,我需要调度不同的动作。 我决定通过将某些部分移至可重用功能来减少代码块,并需要将NGRX操作作为参数传递给这些功能。 但是打字稿会引发错误:参数 xxx 隐式
I would rather be able to use the common function for my 'current location' selectorsAny ideas?@Effect() route$ = actions$ .ofType(ACTION_A) .switchMap(() => this._store.let(getCapabilities) .filter(capabilities => !isOutOfDate(capabilities)) .take(1) ) .map( do some stuff ...
Bug report The orignal post is here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36358405/how-to-implement-intervals-polling-in-angular2-to-work-with-protractor I have an angular2 app I want to test with protractor. In this app I have a page with ...
You will notice this in how initializeApp and getFirestore are used.In order to use Firebase services, you must provide some configuration to the initializeApp function, and initialize an instance of the service you want to use (in this case, Firestore). Every service requires a different ...
import { select, Store } from"@ngrx/store"; import { Observable } from"rxjs"; import { map } from"rxjs/operators"; import { NavigationCancel, NavigationEnd, NavigationError, NavigationStart, Router } from"@angular/router"; import { AppState } from"./reducers/index"; ...
npm install -g @angular/cli In a project that needs to be updated to Angular 8, you can run the following: ng update @angular/cli @angular/core You can then run the following to update to NgRx 8: ng update @ngrx/store When working on this article, I ran into a bit of a problem...
If you are using ngrx effect then you can create a effect that listen to router event: import { NavigationEnd, Router } from '@angular/router'; routeTo$ = createEffect( () => this.router.events.pipe( filter(event => event instanceof NavigationEnd), withLatestFrom(this.observabl...
But in a child component, when I try to print data in ngOnChanges, I see just strange array, I can see elements, but length is equal to 0: How does it work and how can I achieve my objective (pass data to child and work with data as with array)? angular rxjs ngrx ...
I am using ngrx/effects. How can I dispatch an empty action? This is how I am doing now: @Effect() foo$ = this.actions$ .ofType(Actions.FOO) .withLatestFrom(this.store, (action, state) => ({ action, state })) .map(({ action, state }) => { if (state.foo.isCool) { ret...