TheAngularngIfis aStructural Directivethat allows us to completely add or remove DOM Elements based on some condition. In this Tutorial, let’s learn what ngIf is and how to use it in Angular. We will show you how to add or remove elements using an example. We will also look at the ...
You might be thinking that why we need to use asterisk(*) notation when we can useng-templateelement directly. Yes we can useng-templateinstead of short hand notation. *ngIf is a simple directive without much complexity. This asterisk notation or microsyntax (in Angular terms) is very usef...
You can define custom routes and modify the default behavior of the server to fill the application requirements. How to Install and Use JSON-Server in Angular Application? Following are the steps to install the JSON-Server in your Angular application quickly: Step 1:Install JSON-Server by NPM ...
I will give you very simple example so you can easily understand how to get index key in ngfor angular. You can get index from ngfor as bellow: let category of categories;let indexOfElem=index; Example: src/app/app.component.ts import{Component}from'@angular/core'; @Component({ selector...
I'm having trouble creating a select in Angular2 that is backed by an array of Objects instead of strings. I knew how to do it in AngularJS using ngOptions, but it doesn't seem to work in Angular2 (I'm using alpha 42). In the sample belo...
ngTemplateOutletis a directive. It instantiates a template dynamically using a template reference and context object as parameters. In this guide, we will learn how to use it in Angular. We will show you several ngTemplateOutlet examples to learn from. ...
Hello Guys, This is my third article here we are learning how to drag and drop table in Angular. Let' Start Step 1. Create component <ng g c componentname> Step 2. Install drage and drop from npm js npm i angular-drag-drop. Step 3. Add code in the your HTML file. <mat-table ...
How to use Angular Signal in our Application Date:November 10, 2024 Angular Interview questions asked in Company Date:October 20, 2024 Error: Neither the 'NgSwitchCase' directive nor the 'CommonModule' was imported Date:September 22, 2024 ...
We will introduce directives and directive link functions in AngularJS and go through examples to understand them. Directive Link in Angular The Directives are the DOM element markers that tell the AngularJS to extend the HTML to DOM elements and their children. In AngularJS, most directives star...
In Angular, usingNgTemplateOutletinstead of creating specific components allows for components to be easily modified for various use cases without having to modify the component itself! In this article, you will take an existing component and rewrite it to use ...